<form-template> <fields> <field type="header" subtype="h1" label="Community Conversation Participant Registration Form" class="header"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Your Name:" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1650299636681"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Which email address would you like us to use to contact you about community conversations?" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1650299644622"></field> <field type="checkbox-group" required="true" label="Please indicate which of the following apply to you:" class="checkbox-group" name="checkbox-group-1650299669722"> <option value="I am attending on behalf of a business/organization/agency" selected="true">I am attending on behalf of a business/organization/agency</option> <option value="I will attend as a community member">I will attend as a community member</option> <option value="Other">Other</option> </field> <field type="textarea" label="If you selected other, please specify:" class="form-control text-area" name="textarea-1650299752905"></field> <field type="textarea" label="If you are attending Community Conversations on behalf of a business, organization or agency, please tell us which one(s):" class="form-control text-area" name="textarea-1650299773655"></field> <field type="checkbox-group" required="true" label="Please indicate which community conversation(s) you wish to participate in:" class="checkbox-group" name="checkbox-group-1650299792656"> <option value="Early Childhood" selected="true">Early Childhood</option> <option value="School Age">School Age</option> <option value="Adults">Adults</option> <option value="Older Adults">Older Adults</option> </field> <field type="checkbox-group" label="Please help us to understand why you want to attend Community Conversations*" class="checkbox-group" name="checkbox-group-1650299910956"> <option value="To feel more connected to the community" selected="true">To feel more connected to the community</option> <option value="To learn about what other organizations/businesses in the community are doing">To learn about what other organizations/businesses in the community are doing</option> <option value="To connect with others who care about community and topics of mutual interest">To connect with others who care about community and topics of mutual interest</option> <option value="To help spread the word about programs, initiatives or events that are happening in Jasper">To help spread the word about programs, initiatives or events that are happening in Jasper</option> <option value="Other">Other</option> </field> <field type="textarea" label="If you selected other, please specify:" class="form-control text-area" name="textarea-1650299973867"></field> <field type="textarea" label="If you have attended Community Conversations before, do you have any input or feedback on how we can improve the process?" class="form-control text-area" name="textarea-1650299993309"></field> </fields> </form-template> Submit Submitting...