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Jasper Employment and Education Centre

The Jasper Employment and Education Centre (JEEC) is a not-for-profit service that offer services including:

  • An updated Job-Board 
  • Job search help
  • Help writing a resume and cover letter
  • Job interview preparation 
  • ProServe, Sell Safe, Food Safe and First Aid Course certifications.
  • Work experience opportunities
  • Supported employment for individuals with barriers to employment. 
  • English Language programs and other adult education courses 
  • Information on workers’ rights and labour laws
  • Information and support for Temporary Foreign Workers

Location: 631 Patricia St.
Phone: 780-852-4418

Workers rights

Do you have questions about your workplace rights or a specific situation? Contact the following services for support: 

Worker rights that you have as an employee:

  • Your employer must pay you to work a minimum of 3 hours every shift, even if you do not work the full 3 hours.
  • You can take at least 1 day of rest each work week.
  • You have the right to (and should) refuse any work that is unsafe.
  • Your employer cannot take money from your pay cheque for broken items or shortages at the cash register.
  • You have the right to be free from discrimination at work.

Find answers to common questions in the ‘Know Your Rights’ page of our local news: 

Workplace Discrimination:

Canadian law protects you from physical or mental injury and discrimination at work. The laws also protect you from being fired or punished for reporting an employer.


If you work for an employer where there is a union, there may be other benefits you are entitled to through your union agreement. Ask a colleague, your employer or the human resources department if you are a unionized employee and for a copy of your agreement.

Temporary Foreign Workers: Support & Resources

Jasper Employment and Education Centre

Jasper Employment and Education Centre (JEEC) can assist temporary residents who hold work permits under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program or the International Mobility Program. JEEC offers one on one supports for Temporary Foreign Workers including:

  • Help with Social Insurance Number (SIN) and Alberta Healthcare applications
  • English class referrals
  • Community, government, and other agency referrals

As well as group events to have fun and meet new people and information sessions on topics including:

  • Healthcare in Canada 
  • Canadian workplace culture and norms
  • Work permits and visas
  • Employee rights and responsibilities

For more information including a resource list for Temporary Foreign workers please visit JEEC’s website.

To book an appointment, email, or call 780-852-4418.

Community Outreach Services

Community Outreach Services (COS) offers support, services and resources for all ages in Jasper free of charge.

Outreach Workers are available to help those in need of assistance and who are struggling with issues that affect their quality of life with resources and referrals.