Community Outreach Services
Community Outreach Services (COS) offers support, services and resources for all ages in Jasper.
Our services are open to everyone and are free of charge. Schedule an appointment by calling 780-852-2100 or send us an email at:
Outreach Workers are here to help those in need of assistance and who are struggling with issues that affect their quality of life with resources and referrals.
To refer a newcomer employee to COS, access the referral form here.
COS also serves as a hub for the West Yellowhead Family Resource Network (FRN). FRNs support families with children under the age of 18. We help strengthen wellbeing for families through a range of free services.
For more information about the FRN and to access the resources they can provide, visit their website:
NEW - Recovery Outreach Services
Recovery Outreach Services offers support, services and resources for everyone affected by the July 22, 2024 evacuation and wildfire.
Recovery Outreach Workers are here to help those in need of assistance and who are struggling with issues that affect their quality of life with resources and referrals. Recovery Outreach Services is a fire-specific, time-limited program funded by the Government of Alberta’s Disaster Recovery Program (DRP)
It can be hard to reach out if you never have before. But this is an unprecedented time for Jasper. These services are for absolutely anyone and everyone impacted by the July 22, 2024 evacuation and fire.
Hours & Contact:
Community Services Downtown at 627 Patricia St.
- Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 4:30 PM with front door open to the public from 10 AM to 3 PM. Closed on holidays. 780-852-2100.
Jasper Activity Centre, 303 Pyramid Lake Road.
- Recovery Outreach Services is available Mondays and Tuesdays from 9am to 7pm. Closed on holidays. 780-852-2100.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I access support? Schedule an appointment with an Outreach Worker or a Recovery Outreach Worker: 780-852-2100 or email
If I already have an Outreach Worker, do I need to make an appointment with a Recovery Worker to access support specific to the July 2024 fire? No. If you already have an Outreach Worker, you already have access to fire-specific supports as well.
Do I need to be a Jasper resident to come in to Community Outreach Services? No. Anyone living in Jasper, visiting Jasper or passing through Jasper can find support at COS.
Are there documents needed to access supports? Sometimes. Workers may ask for proof of residency at the time of the July 22, 2024 evacuation to access some fire-specific supports.
Are services and supports based on income? No. Workers assess needs on a case-by-case basis and that conversation can include employment, income, shelter, expenses, mental health and wellbeing, family dynamics etc.
Can I apply for funding multiple times? You are welcome to come in for support services multiple times. Services may or may not include financial assistance each time. In order to support as many people as possible, we need to work with the funds we have access to at any given time. Right now, we are limiting financial assistance from the Jasper Fire Caring Community Fund (JCTS funds) to one time access in 2025. If more funds become available from any source, we may be able to offer more. We recommend you come in and do an intake with Community or Recovery Outreach Services and continue to check in with us.
How long does the process take from an appointment with a worker to receiving financial assistance? For the funds specific to recovery from the fire, it can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks.
Is there any way to get more urgent support? What if I can't wait 2-3 weeks. Come in to see us. We are able to work with folks on a case-by-case basis to help with more urgent needs.
Can I apply if I don't have my Permanent Residency or Canadian Citizenship? Yes. Outreach Services are for everyone. Recovery Outreach Services are for anyone who was impacted by the July 22, 2024 evacuation and wildfire. We also have dedicated Settlement Workers who can support newcomers and refugees with ongoing services.
How much funding will I receive? Financial assistance amounts are determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the funds we have access to at a given time. Each funder has parameters that we need to follow and adhere to in distributing their funds.
What if I need more help? Come back in and meet with your Outreach or Recovery Outreach Worker. We work with clients on solution focused problem solving, goal setting and connection to other services and supports like income support, mental health therapy, addictions counselling, support groups, trauma-specific therapy, counselling, benefits and credits folks may be eligible for etc.
Are there any restrictions on how funding can be used? Yes. Each funder outlines how their funds can be used in a funding agreement and it is up to us to follow that agreement in the distribution of funds.
Is there a deadline by which I need to apply for funds? No. We are working with several funders. We recommend that you come in, meet with a worker, get a file going and see how we can help.
Can I receive both Jasper Fire Caring Community Funds, Red Cross and other government funds specific to recovery at the same time? Yes, you can.
Can I follow up on my application? Yes, please don't hesitate to give us a call or check back in with your Outreach or Recovery Outreach worker.
What if I have a question about the services I received? Please reach out to us at
What is the Municipality's relationship with the Jasper Community Team Society (JCTS)? The JCTS is a registered non-profit organization with charitable status. They are located in Jasper and their mandate is to support programs and services administered by the Municipality of Jasper. We have worked closely with the JCTS for decades. The JCTS raises money for their Caring Community Fund. Outreach Workers from COS can then access those funds as part of their work supporting individuals and families. You can learn more about the JCTS on their website.
Social Media:
- Municipality of Jasper: for all Jasperites on Facebook
- JasperLIFE: for all adults in Jasper on Facebook
- JasperLIFE: on Instagram
- Jasper Youth and Teens: Youth and teens on Facebook
- Jasper Teens: on Instagram
- Jasper Parents of Elementary School-Age Children: on Facebook
- Jasper Early Childhood Families: Parents of 0-6yr olds on Facebook
What’s Happening in Jasper?
Check out the Community Calendar to stay up to date on events, programs and activities happening in Jasper. You can view and submit your own events too!
Learn more about life in Jasper from the Community Guide. Find updates on the Information and Resources hub on our website.
(Here is a version of the Community Guide to download if you have diverse visual abilities and prefer a black and white copy)
Visit the Community Groups page to learn about groups, programs and boards in Jasper.