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Health and Safety

Throughout the recovery process, public health and safety remain a top priority. This page provides essential information on hazardous substances, air quality, and contact details for Alberta Health Services. 

Air monitoring equipment is currently deployed in Jasper.  The information collected by monitoring equipment is used to calculate the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) for Jasper and is reported on the AQHI Websiteand the WeatherCAN App

AQHI values are automatically generated based on air quality data reported by air monitoring equipment. Additional information on the calculation used to generate AQHI values is available here. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) monitoring data is also available publicly here.  

Air quality monitoring and strict zero-dust requirements will be mandatory for all debris removal permits. Occupational Health and Safety regulations will be enforced, with departmental representatives monitoring worksites to ensure compliance. 

As recovery efforts continue, several areas within the townsite remain fenced off due to potential physical hazards and hazardous materials/substances. For everyone’s safety, these areas have marked signs and only authorized personnel are allowed in these areas. We kindly ask that you respect all barriers and signs.  

To help ensure safety compliance, you may see some of the Government of Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) compliance officers around Jasper who are actively inspecting worksites. They are helping to ensure contractors and all those involved in worksites are following health and safety legislation and processes which aim to prevent injuries and illnesses.   

Given many of the buildings in the townsite were built prior to 1990, there have been many questions about asbestos. Not all properties will contain asbestos; however, following asbestos protocols is critical. The OHS Officers have been working with worksite contractors to remind them of these protocols, but safety is everybody’s business. 

Have questions about asbestos? Check out this resource from Occupational Health and Safety:
The Alberta Health Services Environmental Public Health Team continues to support businesses and residents returning to Jasper. AHS has information resources available here. Public Health Inspectors are responding to service requests received through the Environmental Public Health contact phone (1-833-476-4743) or web portal. Public Health Inspectors can provide advice to residents and businesses.