Environmental Responsibility

Contact Council 

Write a letter or present to council if you have a specific and clear ask for council about how Jasper can be a more sustainable community. Read more about how to contact council.

Connect with sustainability focused groups in Jasper!

Check out the following organizations that work towards making Jasper a sustainable community: 

Sustainability in Action

We can work towards environmental responsibility through collective and individual action. 

What Can You Do Today? 

Check out this list on ways you can start being more sustainable today!

  • Choose active transportation: Walk or bike instead of driving 
  • Ditch plastic water bottles: Jasper is in the top 0.0001% of the cleanest water sources in the world. Drink from the tap or fill your reusable bottle.  
  • Start composting: Learn more about composting in Jasper
  • Recycle what you can: Learn more about recycling facilities in Jasper (link)
  • Reduce waste: 
    1. Ask the post office to stop receiving flyers in your PO box if you don’t want them. 
    2. Shop local instead of ordering online to reduce cardboard and packaging waste
    3. Bring your own Bag when you go shopping
    4. Bring your own Tupperware or to-go mug with you when you buy food or drink
  • Be a conscious consumer:
    • Ask yourself these questions before buying something:
      1. Can I make it? 
      2. Can I borrow it?
      3. Do I really need this?
    • Support local – even if it costs more: Research shows that local businesses tend to have enhanced accountability to their communities because they are connected to where their business operates.  
    • Buy second hand or used products when you can: check out the Jasper Buy and Sell Page and the United Church Thrift Sale
    • Research the products you buy and choose to support sustainable brands 

Plastic Ban

The municipality asks shoppers to use reusable bags to reduce single use plastic. Jasper businesses are encouraged to stop providing plastic checkout bags.

Read about the details:

Retail Toolkit (PDF)

Bylaw 215: Waste Reduction Regulation Bylaw

Plastic Checkout Bag Ban Business and Resident Feedback  - May 2019 

Municipality of Jasper Waste Reduction Bylaw