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Background Information

2011 -  Jasper Community Sustainability Plan identifies the need to explore transit for Jasper.

2018 -  Transportation Master Plan recommends to examining the opportunity of future internal and regional transit connections for the town.

2021 -  Council supported a public transportation pilot project with fixed-route bus service to a number of priority locations for the summer season.

2022 -  Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the provision of public transportation services with Parks Canada which provided the Parks Canada approval required for the municipality to provide Public Transportation Services to those locations outside of the Jasper townsite.

2023 -  Council received the Transportation Strategy & Action Plan and; directed administration to begin the next steps to establish a fixed-rout bus service beginning in 2023.

September 5, 2023 - Jasper Transit Begins! 


In early 2023 Administration applied and was successful in obtaining a federal capital grant to support the municipality in procurement of transit capital items. The grant will contribute up to eighty percent (80%) of the total Eligible Expenditures for the Project to a maximum of five million dollars ($5,000,000). Key components of the application for the grant were the purchase of up to 3 zero-emission transit buses (ZEB) as well as the construction of a transit facility to house the ZEB.

The total proposed expenditures for the years 2024 and 2025 years amounts to $6,280,000. Federal grants will provide the bulk of this funding, contributing $5 million. The municipality's contribution of $1,280,000, to be drawn from reserves ($554,000) and through borrowing ($726,000).

The borrowing is slated to be taken in late 2024, with repayments scheduled to commence in 2025. Administration intends to spread out the borrowing over a 5-year period, resulting in annual payments of $166,204. With this payment arrangement, the total payments over the 5 years, encompassing both principal and interest, would amount to ~$831,020.

See the table below for a breakdown of transit related items for the 2024 and 2025 years, along with a breakdown of proposed funding sources.

Fleet Facility 

On February 27, 2024 administration received direction from committee to proceed with a public Request for Proposals (RFP) for construction of a transit fleet facility.

Indoor transit fleet facilities play a crucial role in enhancing the operational efficiency and longevity of transit vehicles. By providing a sheltered environment, these facilities protect vehicles from the effects of harsh weather conditions, while reducing wear and tear and extending the service life of buses.

Currently the municipality’s contracted operator is responsible for storage of transit buses and any costs associated with storage are included in the overall fee that the municipality pays to the contractor.

The below study was developed to provide scope information and technical requirements that would form the basis of the RFP. Final details of the facility’s design and cost are subject to change and will reflect market submissions that come as a result of the RFP. The project is subject to Council approval following the RFP process.

Details on active municipal RFPs and tenders can be found here.

2024 Jasper Transit Facility Scoping Study