Jasper is full of vibrant, unique and welcoming community groups. Is your group missing from this page? Add your information to the form at the bottom of the page.
Get involved:
- Join a board or committee
- Check the Community Calendar and select volunteer opportunities to see how you can get involved
- Attend and participate in events and activities
Check out community groups below!
Arts and Culture
L’Association Canadienne Francais de Jasper (ACFA)
This group represents and promotes the culture of Franco-Albertans within Alberta.
Email: jasper@acfa.ab.ca
Phone: 780-852-7476
Facebook: ACFA
Out Jasper LGBTQA Society
OUT Jasper is a peer and advocacy group for the Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Queer, Questioning Two-Spirit people living, working, and passing through Jasper Alberta.
Email: out.jasperlgbtq@gmail.com
Website: Out Jasper
Jasper Yellowhead Historical Society
The Jasper-Yellowhead Historical Society promotes the awareness, understanding and the appreciation of Jasper regional heritage.
Website: www.jaspermuseum.org
Jasper Municipal Library Board
The library is governed by a library board made up of members in the community. Contact the library if you would like more information on the Library Board.
Wesbite: www.jasperlibrary.ab.ca
Jasper Artists Guild
This art gallery displays a broad variety of local and regional art. The Gallery is an artist-run centre that promotes and supports visual fine arts.
Website: Jasper Artists Guild
Habitat for the Arts
A community space to explore, engage with and experience all things art.
Phone: 780-883-2787
Email: habitatforthearts@gmail.com
Website: Habitat for the Arts
Facebook: Jasper Community Habitat for the Arts
Jasper Folk Music Festival
This festival brings all kind of rhythm to Jasper each year.
Website: www.jasperfolkmusicfestival.ca
Email: volunteersjfmf@gmail.com
Jasper Pride Festival Society
The Jasper Pride Festival Society strives to create a safe and inclusive atmosphere of equality, acceptance and support for the LGBTQ+ communities.
Website: www.jasperpride.ca
Email: contact@jasperpride.ca
Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
The GSA is for teens - a student-run group that unites LGBTQ+ and allied youth. Making the school a safe, inclusive space and being involved in the community are just some of the goals of the GSA.
Phone: 780-852-6543
Email: vbegg@jasper-alberta.ca
Communities in Bloom
This organization focuses on enhancing the quality of life and the environment through people and plants in order to create community pride.
Jasper Rotary Club
The Rotary Club of Jasper is a diverse and welcoming group of leaders who, demonstrating kindness and concern, strive to make the world a better place.
Snow Angels (Winter)
A snow shoveling program. Request a sign if you need help shoveling in the winter or sign up to be a volunteer to help folks shovel when they need.
Phone: 780-852-2100
Jasper United Church Thrift Shop
Come and browse many items at our local Thrift Shop.
Community Conversations
You are invited to join community conversations on different topics to talk about trends in Jasper.
Jasper Volunteer Fire Brigade
The Jasper Volunteer Fire Brigade is a dedicated group of volunteers who provide the townsite and Jasper National Park with firefighting and rescue services.
Phone: 780-852-1591
Jasper Youth Community Helpers
A group for teens that focuses on mental health in the community. Teens who join the Youth Community Helpers meet one a month, learn about local resources, volunteer in the community, help raise funds and so much more. Teens get a certificate for being a Youth Community Helper.
Phone: 780-852-6543
Jasper Local Immigration Partnership (JLIP)
The JLIP works to make Jasper a welcoming place for all newcomers.
Newcomer Network
The Newcomer Network is a place for newcomers to Canada to meet each other and find resources. The group also finds ideas to make settlement in Jasper better.
Jasper Senior Society
Phone: 780-852-4578
Education and Childcare
ASK - Advocates for Special Kids
Phone: 780-852-2100
Email: cgallop@jasper-alberta.ca
Friends of Jasper Childcare Board
The Friends of Jasper Childcare Board fundraise for a variety of extra programs enjoyed by Wildflowers Childcare and the Jasper Out of School Care Program.
Website: Friends of Jasper Childcare Board
Phone: 780-852-6517
Environmental Focused
Friends of Jasper National Park
The Friends of Jasper National Park encourages stewardship and connects people through educational programs, projects and volunteer opportunities.
Facebook: Friends of Jasper National Park
Website: www.friendsofjasper.com
Phone: 780-852-4767
Alpine Club of Canada
Explore the mountains with the Alpine Club of Canada.
Website: Alpine Club of Canada
Facebook: Alpine Club of Canada
Protect Our Winters
Protect Our Winters Canada is a passionate community of enthusiasts, professional athletes and industry brands uniting the outdoor community to advocate for policy solutions to climate change.
Email: jasper@protectourwinters.ca
Website: Protect Our Winters
Facebook: Protect Our Winters Canada - Jasper Chapter | Facebook
Food and Health
Jasper Food Recovery
Jasper Food Recovery keeps good food from becoming food waste!
Phone: +1 780-852-9766
Email: jasperfoodrecovery@gmail.com
Facebook: Jasper Food Recovery
Jasper Local Food Society
The Jasper Local Food Society aims to foster a healthy, resilient, and inclusive community that has access to locally produced food.
Email: jasperlocalfood@gmail.com
Facebook: Jasper Local Food Society
Instagram: @jasperlocalfoodsociety
Jasper Food Bank
The Jasper Food Bank is a non profit organization located in the basement of the Anglican Church Hall at 600 Geikie Street. The food bank is open every Thursday from 6:00pm to 6:30pm.
Email: jasperfoodbank@gmail.com
Facebook: Jasper Food Bank
Jasper Healthcare Foundation
This foundation promotes health and wellness in the Jasper area.
Phone: 780-852-3344
Facebook: Jasper Health Foundation
Sports and Recreation
Jasper Park Cycling Association
JPCA’s purpose is to preserve and improve cycling opportunities within Jasper National Park for residents and visitors.
Email: info@jasperparkcycling.com
Website: Jasper Park Cycling Association
Facebook: Jasper Park Cycling Association
Jasper Skatepark Committee
This committee is working towards bringing a new skatepark to Jasper!
Facebook: Jasper Skatepark
Jasper Community Team Society
Jasper Community Team Society supports local Jasper programs and events that inspire community connection and enhance the well-being of all residents.
Email: jaspercommunityteamsociety@gmail.com
Website: Jasper Community Team Society
Jasper Curling Club
Founded in 1924, the Jasper Curling Club is an organization built on community participation. Our programs are not tailored to any specific age or skill level. Everyone is welcome. If you are interested in curling but have little to no experience, do not worry - we can teach you! Curling is a sport that almost anyone can play. If you have a positive attitude and a clean pair of sneakers, come on down and check us out.
Email: jaspercurlingclub@gmail.com
Website: Jasper Curling Club
Facebook: Curling Club
Jasper Volleyball League
Drop in recreational volleyball - 2 outdoor sand courts for summer play located at the Jasper Fitness and Aquatic Centre. Indoor winter play at the high school. Fee applies, see front desk at the Fitness and Aquatic Centre to play. All ages, all skill levels welcome.
Email: elmclachlan87@gmail.com
Facebook: Jasper Volleyball League