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Make a Kit

Put together an emergency kit and keep it somewhere easy to find. Keep your kit in a backpack, suitcase or plastic tub. Keep it light enough to carry into a car. 

Make sure to keep enough gas in your vehicle to make it out of town at all times. 

Items to take at the last minute

  • Identification (ID), credit cards and cash
  • Cell phone and charger
  • Glasses and contacts
  • Medications
  • Car keys

Items to put in your emergency kit

  • Six litres of water per person (include small bottles)
  • Copy of your emergency plan, including emergency contact numbers
  • Prescription record from your pharmacist if needed
  • Three day supply of nonperishable food per person
  • Change of clothing including extra warm clothing (hat, mittens)
  • Extra set of car keys
  • First aid kit
  • Flashlights for each family member
  • Battery powered radio and extra batteries, or wind-up radio
  • Copies of important documents (birth certificates, passports, insurance and bank records)
  • Pet food and water

Additional supplies to consider

  • Candles and matches or lighter
  • Toiletries and personal hygiene items
  • Hand sanitizer, toilet paper and garbage bags
  • Activities for children like books or toys
  • Basic tools and duct tape
  • Small fuel-operated stove and fuel
  • Other camping supplies

Additional information on building an Emergency Kit can be found on the Alberta government website