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Council Highlights

Municipality of Jasper Council Highlights summarize decisions and issues from regular Council meetings. For a more detailed account of Council meetings check the Agendas and Minutes page

October 15, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Joint Recovery Coordination Centre Update
Council received an update from Director of Recovery Michael Fark on the work being undertaken at the Joint Recovery Coordination Centre (JRCC). The update included information on JRCC objectives; media announcements; housing progress; debris removal; remediation plans, and more. The presentation is included in the agenda package.

Community & Economic Development Fund Policy Review
Council received a report from the Community Development department regarding B-117 Community & Economic Development Fund Policy and potential edits to support Jasper’s recovery and future resilience efforts following the Jasper Wildfire Complex. Council directed Administration to leave the current policy as is; and to bring back a new Wildfire Recovery Community & Economic Development Policy to a future meeting.

Activity Centre Renovation Update
Council received an update on the Jasper Activity Centre Renovation Project which included a WSP briefing note and updated timeline estimates. Regular updates can also be found on the website here.

October 8, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Land Use Planning & Development Legislative Update
Council received a Land Use Planning & Development Legislative Update from administration which gave an overview of events which began in July 2022 when Council first formally requested the delegation of this authority be transferred.

On September 27, 2024, Bill C-76 was introduced in the House of Commons. The bill proposed amending the Canada National Parks Act and was formally passed by the Senate on October 3rd. The passage of this bill is a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to transfer authority for land use planning and development from Parks Canada to the Municipality of Jasper. Bill C-76 enables the Municipality to take on the same level of land use authority as the Town of Banff, allowing the local government body to manage planning and development processes within the townsite. It is expected that the formal transition of authorities will occur in late spring of 2025.

October 1, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Transit Service Update
Council received a Transit Service Update from administration which gave an overview of the transit system’s operation from April 1, 2024 to September 25, 2024; including a review of ridership since the launch of service on September 3, 2023. The system provided service to 41,850 riders from the launch of service in September 2023 to July 22, 2024. This is ahead of the forecasted riders from the 2023 Transportation Strategy & Action plan which estimated 34,000 rides from Q4 2023 to Q3 2024. The comparison is even more favourable considering no transit service was provided in August 2024.

Disaster Recovery Program Submission & Joint Recovery Coordination Centre Operating Budget
Council voted unanimously to authorize the Director of Recovery to make expenditures within the approved amounts under the Disaster Recovery Program application. Council also directed administration to bring forward updates to Policy B-109 Fiscal Controls and Financial Reporting to provide differential spending authority for the Director of Recovery.

Director’s Report – Community Development
Council received a report from the Director of Community Development which can be found in the agenda package. Highlights include updates on Wildflowers Childcare and Out Of School Care; information regarding facilities under renovation; news from Community Outreach and Settlement Services; and timelines on major projects.

September 24, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Additional Recovery Effort Positions
At the September 3, 2024 Regular meeting, Council approved the establishment of recovery effort positions to provide the Municipality with the critical capacity required to ensure a timely social, economic and housing recovery following the Jasper Wildfire Complex. At today’s meeting Council amended the list of positions as shown below.

  • One (1) full-time Recovery Operations Project Manager position
  • One (1) full-time Finance Recovery Coordinator position  
  • One (1) full-time combined Recovery Liaison and Information Coordinator position 
  • One (1) full-time Housing/Social Recovery Manager position 
  • One (1) full-time Social Recovery Coordinator position 
  • One (1) full-time Administrative Coordinator position
  • One (1) full-time Information Technology Coordinator position
  • One (1) full-time Human Resource Coordinator position
  • One (1) full-time Small Business Recovery Coordinator position

Council also approved the following additional positions:

  • Two (2) full-time Recovery Outreach Worker positions (2 year term)
  • One (1) full time Recovery Project Manager position (1 year term) 

All job postings for the Municipality of Jasper can be found on the website here: 

Recovery Advisory Committee
Council is seeking two members of the public to participate in the Recovery Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Recovery Advisory Committee is to provide community based perspective, advice and guidance to the Joint Recovery Coordination Centre (JRCC) as Jasper recovers and rebuilds from the 2024 Wildfire Complex. The Terms of Reference for the Committee can be found here and an application form can be found on the website on the Boards and Committees page. 

Council Remuneration Post 2025 Election - Engage Jasper
Council remuneration is typically reviewed by the outgoing Council prior to the commencement of nominations for the next municipal election. A general municipal election will be held in 2025, which means prospective candidates may submit their nomination papers starting January 1, 2025 as per the Local Authorities Election Act. The premise is to allow prospective candidates to make an informed decision prior to letting their name stand for municipal elected office.

The Municipality of Jasper wants your thoughts on changes to how we pay our Council, starting after the 2025 election. At the September 17, 2024 Regular meeting, Council received a report from Administration with recommendations for Council remuneration post 2025 election. The report and recommendations can be found in the agenda package. Please check our public engagement platform 'Engage Jasper' to share your thoughts and feedback on all municipal matters. Your feedback helps Council to make decisions about what will happen in our community. The survey will remain open for submissions until 4pm, October 8, 2024. This item will return to the October 22, 2024 Council meeting with the report and a summary of public input.

September 17, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Tax Relief & Revenue Losses
Council received a report detailing the loss of properties within the townsite following the Jasper Wildfire Complex and subsequent effects on the property tax system as well as other revenue streams. Administration outlined options for moving forward; timelines to be considered; and a breakdown of parts of the approved municipal budget.

Council voted to approve, subject to provincial financial support, cancel or refund the Municipal portion of property taxes and the Evergreens Requisition, according to the criteria as presented;
To request the Government of Alberta to cancel or refund 2024 education tax levy to be consistent with the canceled portions of Municipal property taxes cancelation criteria as presented; and
To request the Government of Alberta provide funding to offset losses in core municipal revenue from 2024 to 2027.

Council Remuneration – Post 2025 Election
Council remuneration is typically reviewed by the outgoing Council prior to the commencement of nominations for the next municipal election. A general municipal election will be held in 2025, which means prospective candidates may submit their nomination papers starting January 1, 2025 as per the Local Authorities Election Act. The premise is to allow prospective candidates to make an informed decision prior to letting their name stand for municipal elected office.

At today’s meeting Council received a report from Administration with recommendations for Council remuneration post 2025 election. The report and recommendations can be found in the agenda package. Please check our public engagement platform 'Engage Jasper' to share your thoughts and feedback on all municipal matters. There will be a new engagement opportunity added this week for the council remuneration discussion. Your feedback helps Council to make decisions about what will happen in our community. The survey will remain open for submissions until 4pm, October 8, 2024. This item will return to the October 22, 2024 Council meeting with the report and a summary of public input. 

Appointments to the Recovery Advisory Committee
Council appointed Councillor Hall and Councillor Melnyk to the Recovery Advisory Committee, as well as Councillor Waxer as an alternate. The Recovery Advisory Committee will provide community-based input and advice to the Joint Recovery Coordination Centre on various recovery areas. Details on how to apply to sit on the Committee will be forthcoming and the Terms of Reference will be finalized at next week’s Regular Council meeting.

Parcel CH Access Road & Spruce Avenue Development Tender Award
Council awarded the ‘Parcel CH Access Road & Spruce Avenue Road Development’ Tender to Jasper Concrete Ltd in the amount of $1,227,229.75 (excluding GST) as the lowest evaluated bidder. Council also directed Administration to initiate a Local Improvement Bylaw process to recover the servicing costs the Parcel CH Access Road from benefitting adjacent parcels; and to fund the Spruce Avenue Road Development from the Housing Reserve ($220,000) and the Financial Stabilization Reserve ($90,000).

Rail Safety Week Proclamation
Council proclaimed September 23-29, 2024 Rail Safety Week, in support of CN Rail’s ongoing efforts to raise awareness, save lives and prevent injuries in communities. Educating and informing the public about rail safety will reduce the number of avoidable fatalities and injuries caused by incidents involving trains and citizens. Read the proclamation here.

September 10, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Joint Recovery Coordination Centre (JRCC)
Council received a presentation from Interim Director of Recovery Andy Esarte and Parks Canada Incident Commander Landon Shepherd on the continuing work being accomplished at the JRCC. The JRCC was relocated to Jasper on September 5th to continue work on the provision of temporary accommodation work locations for essential workers; planning and implementation of interim housing, restoring critical Parks Canada and Municipality of Jasper functions; remediation of impacted infrastructure; and establishing a Joint Town Rebuild Working Team. Mr.Esarte also shared more information on monitoring air quality. Mr. Shepherd spoke to the anxiety felt by residents concerning future fire risk and shared actions already underway to protect the townsite and park from further damage.

The presentation slides can be viewed in the YouTube recording and will be attached to the meeting minutes to be approved September 17th.

Rebuilding Information Update
Council received a report from Director of Urban Standards & Design Beth Sanders on the work being done in partnership with Parks Canada to rebuild following the Jasper Wildfire Complex. The objective of the rebuilding process is to streamline the development review and approval procedures to enable efficient reconstruction of homes and businesses, ensuring alignment with Jasper’s values. Details on the five phases that will guide rebuilding can be found on the website here. The report which was provided this morning will be attached to the minutes to be made part of the public record.

Temporary Relaxation of RV Parking Regulations
Council voted to extend the temporary relaxation of RV parking until October 15th. At the August 20th meeting Council approved the temporary relaxation of RV parking regulations in areas where dwellings are still standing (green zones) from August 16, 2024, to September 15, 2024, as follows:

  • Waiving the 72-hour time limit for parking an RV or trailer on a roadway in front of a resident’s home
  • Allowing trailers to be left unattached on a roadway
  • Permitting the use of RVs or trailers as transitional accommodation until September 15, 2024

These changes are intended to provide flexibility to residents as they re-enter Jasper and begin the community’s recovery.

Connaught Affordable Housing Development Status Update
Council received an information update on the status of the Connaught Affordable Housing Development which included relevant background, key project milestones achieved, estimated timelines, and the effects of the Jasper Wildfire Complex on the project. See the agenda package for further details.

Recovery Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
Council approved a Terms of Reference for the Jasper Recovery Advisory Committee which will provide community-based input and advice to the Joint Recovery Coordination Centre on various recovery areas. The Committee will be advisory in nature and the body’s role will be to:

  • Advise the Directors of Recovery on strategies to address the physical and mental health needs of the community during recovery
  • Provide community perspective on the reconstruction of residential and commercial properties and utilities
  • Offer feedback on the environmental restoration and management efforts within Jasper
  • Suggest improvements to community amenities that have been affected by the disaster
  • Support economic recovery by advising on strategies to support local businesses and stabilize the economy

Clean Energy Improvement Program Tax Bylaw 3rd Reading
Council gave third reading to Bylaw #263, the Clean Energy Improvement Program Tax Bylaw. The CEIP is a financing mechanism allowing property owners of residential or commercial buildings to undertake energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades. The program supports repayment through property taxes, passing on the loan to new owners upon property sale, which ensures continuity and reduces financial risks.

September 3, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Alberta Health Services - Air Quality Presentation
Alberta Health Services representatives Dr. Kristin Pon, Medical Officer of Health and Shane Hussey, Director of Environmental Public Health, spoke to concerns surrounding air quality and health; monitoring outdoor air; individual actions for residents; and resources available to the public. The presentation is available in the YouTube recording and will be attached to the meeting minutes to be approved September 10, 2024.

Recovery Effort Positions
Council approved the establishment of the following 2 year term positions to provide the Municipality with the critical capacity required to ensure a timely social, economic and housing recovery following the Jasper Wildfire Complex.

  • One (1) full-time Recovery Operations Project Manager position;
  • One (1) full-time Finance Recovery Coordinator position  
  • One (1) full-time combined Recovery Liaison, Small Business and Information Coordinator position 
  • One (1) full-time Housing/Social Recovery Manager position 
  • One (1) full-time Social Recovery Coordinator position 
  • One (1) full-time Administrative Coordinator position
  • One (1) full-time Information Technology Coordinator position
  • One (1) full-time Human Resource Coordinator position

Public Hearing - Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP) Tax Bylaw
Council gave second reading to Bylaw #263, the Clean Energy Improvement Program Tax Bylaw. The CEIP is a financing mechanism allowing property owners of residential or commercial buildings to undertake energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades. The program supports repayment through property taxes, passing on the loan to new owners upon property sale, which ensures continuity and reduces financial risks. The bylaw will come back for final reading at the September 10, 2024 Regular Council meeting.

August 27, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Insurance Bureau of Canada
Council received a presentation from Rob de Pruis, the National Director of Consumer & Industry Relations for the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC), focused on the response to the Jasper Wildfire Complex. Mr. de Pruis has been present since the beginning of the incident, took part in the town halls which were hosted by the province, and shared how IBC can be contacted through the IBC Consumer Information Centre. The presentation is included in the agenda package.

Joint Recovery Coordination Centre Update
Council received an update on the Joint Recovery Coordination Centre (JRCC) from Director of Recovery Michael Fark. The extensive verbal update covered details of the transition from the Incident Management Team to the JRCC; priorities and objectives set by the JRCC; updated numbers related to re-entry; estimated timelines; and the formation of a recovery committee with governance and terms of reference in development.  

Fire Department Staffing Requests
Council received a report from Administration, prepared by Director of Protective & Legislative Services Christine Nadon, requesting additional resources for the Fire Department in light of the Jasper Wildfire Complex, subsequent evacuation, and recovery of townsite. Council approved the establishment of a 2 year Captain position in the Fire Department and the hiring of 10 contract Firefighters for a six-month term, to be extended as needed. Mayor & Council shared their deep appreciation with Fire Chief Mathew Conte, who was also in attendance, for all of the work done by the firefighters to protect the townsite and acknowledged the valor and bravery of Jasper’s volunteer firefighters.

Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan Development Update
Council received a report from administration in response to a motion made at the February 27, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting to return with recommendations on developing a Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan. After discussion, Council directed Administration to proceed with developing a five-year Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan with internal resources and present the plan at a future Committee of the Whole Meeting in spring 2025.

August 20, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Aquatera Annual Update
Council received the annual update from Aquatera representatives Vaughn Bend, Doug Renwick, and Tamara Wuttunee-Campbell. The presentation highlighted the past year’s performance results; past and upcoming capital projects; asset maintenance; operational improvements; environmental performance; and Aquatera’s response to the Jasper Wildfire Complex. The professionalism and support from Utilities Manager Vidal Michaud was acknowledged and highly appreciated; as was the exemplary actions of the operators of the facility during the emergency. The presentation is included in the agenda package.

Temporary Relaxation of RV Parking Regulations
Council approved the temporary relaxation of RV parking regulations in areas where dwellings are still standing (green zones) from August 16, 2024, to September 15, 2024, as follows:

  • Waiving the 72-hour time limit for parking an RV or trailer on a roadway in front of a resident’s home
  • Allowing trailers to be left unattached on a roadway
  • Permitting the use of RVs or trailers as transitional accommodation until September 15, 2024

These changes are intended to provide flexibility to residents as they re-enter Jasper and begin the community’s recovery.

Planner and Administration Assistant Positions
Council received a report from Administration, prepared by the newly appointed Director of Urban Design & Standards Beth Sanders. Council voted unanimously to approve the establishment of the following positions to support the recovery and rebuilding efforts for the municipality:

  • Four (4) full-time planner positions; and
  • One (1) administrative assistant position. 

Council Remuneration Review Committee
At the July 16, 2024 Regular meeting Council approved the establishment of a Council Remuneration Review Committee including public members to complete the work needed for a review before the next municipal election cycle. Council voted today to rescind motion #332/24 that Council approve the Council Remuneration Review Committee Terms of Reference as presented; and directed Administration to conduct a review of council remuneration and present recommendations at a future meeting. This was agreed upon due to the shifting priorities and focus of Council, Administration, and residents as all enter the recovery phase of wildfire incident. It was also recommended that time be allowed between the first report and final decisions to allow time for the public to submit feedback for consideration.    

August 13, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Update from Incident Management Team
Council received an update on the Jasper Wildfire Complex from Parks Canada Unified Commander Jon Large. CAO Bill Given also made a short presentation on how typical municipal service delivery and governance differs from the Incident Management Team (IMT) structure, including an overview of the Unified Command approach combining Parks and Municipal resources; and how responsibility will transition from the IMT to others over time.

2024 Council Meeting Schedule
Council voted unanimously to revise their meeting schedule to make all meetings between now and the end of October: 9:30am, Tuesday, Regular Council meetings.
The revised Council meeting schedule can be found on the website here.  

Financial Relief Recommendations
Council authorized a suite of financial recommendations to provide immediate relief for residents and businesses:

  • Collection of pre-authorized tax payments on all damaged or destroyed properties has been suspended.
  • Collection of all property taxes will be deferred to a later date;
  • Penalties on outstanding property tax amounts not be applied for July 2024;
  • All water, sewer, solid waste, recycling charges on all damaged or destroyed properties as of July 22, 2024 are suspended or waived. .
  • Penalties on outstanding amounts under Utility Bylaw #259 from May and June 2024 will be waived for all properties. 
  • Council also directed Administration to return with a report outlining the options and cost associated with refunding property taxes for the period following July 22, 2024 on damaged or destroyed properties.
  • Council directed Administration to return with a report recommending options or strategies to mitigate the municipality’s loss of utility and property tax revenue.

Recovery Office Structure and Committee Terms of Reference
Council received a report from Mr. Given regarding the long-term recovery effort the town is facing in the wake of the Jasper Wildfire Complex. Administration has identified establishment of a Recovery Office with guidance from a multi-stakeholder Recovery Committee as the key first steps in the recovery process.

Council directed Administration to develop draft Governance and organizational structures for a Recovery Office and a Terms of Reference for a Recovery Committee and return to a future Council meeting; and also approved the establishment of a Director of Recovery position reporting to the CAO.

Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
Council received a report from Administration investigating the costs and benefits associated with Jasper applying/agreeing to become a member of the “Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate Action”. Council received the report for information; recommended Administration renew Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) membership and support Tourism Jasper with their initiative to obtain a GreenStep Sustainable Tourism Destination Certification; and take no further action to join the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy at this time.

July 16, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Director’s Report - Community Development
Council received a report from Director of Community Development Christopher Read detailing the work recently accomplished within the department. Highlights included updates on the Recreation Facility Renovation Project and Skate Park project; recent changes in staffing; service trends being reported by staff; and news on continuing programming being utilized by residents.  

Jasper Dark Sky Festival Fee Waiver as per Policy F-104
At the July 9, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council received a facility booking request  from Tourism Jasper for the 2024 Jasper Dark Sky Festival, totalling to $12,509.53. Today, Council approved the request as per the Relationships with External Groups Policy F-104 and acknowledged the many economic benefits the festival brings to Jasper.  

National Drowning Prevention Week Proclamation
Council proclaimed July 21-27, 2024 as National Drowning Prevention Week (NDPW) in Jasper. NDPW promotes awareness of the drowning problem in Canada and the need for individuals, communities, organizations, and government to take action in an effort to save lives. Read the proclamation here.

2023 Year End Surplus Reserve Transfers
Council approved the 2023 year-end tax supported surplus of $150,525 be allocated to Reserves as per Policy B-112 in the following amounts:

  • $75,263 (50%) to Fixed Assets Reserve; 
  • $15,053 (10%) to Community Housing Reserve; and
  • $60,210 (40%) to Financial Stabilization Reserve.

Council approved the 2023 year-end utility supported surplus of $378,241 be allocated to Reserves as per Policy B-112 in the following amount:

  • $378,241 (100%) to Utility Operating Reserve.

Council Remuneration Review Committee
Council approved a Terms of Reference for a Council Remuneration Review Committee to review and ensure fair and equitable compensation for Jasper Municipal Council members for the 2025 to 2029 term. The Committee is expected to provide a comprehensive report with recommendations to Jasper Municipal Council no later than November 15, 2024. Details on how to volunteer to serve on the review committee will be posted on the website and social media shortly. Residents interested in serving on the committee can contact administration for more details at .

Clean Energy Improvement Program Tax Bylaw
Council gave first reading to Bylaw #263 Clean Energy Program Tax Bylaw and established that a public hearing shall be held as part of the Regular Council meeting scheduled for 1:30pm, September 3, 2024 as per legislative requirements.

The Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP) is a financing mechanism allowing property owners of residential or commercial buildings to undertake energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades. The program supports repayment through property taxes, passing on the loan to new owners upon property sale, which ensures continuity and reduces financial risks. 

July 2, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Traffic Safety Bylaw Amendment
Council gave third reading to Bylaw #262, the Traffic Safety Amending Bylaw 2024, which amends Bylaw #244, the Traffic Safety Bylaw by removing section 16.16. The change was first discussed at the June 11, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting.

Strategic Facility Plan
Council voted to officially receive the Strategic Facility Plan for information and directed Administration to consider the plan. ReImagine Architecture Ltd. representatives Rica Migrino and Kevin Mullin presented the detailed framework for the future development and enhancement of municipal facilities at the June 25th Committee of the Whole meeting. The plan emphasizes sustainable design, climate resilience, and the creation of functional, inclusive spaces that meet the needs of both staff and the community. 

2024 Wayfinding Project
In 2016 the Municipality adopted Wayfinding & Signage Guidelines and to date, the Municipality has completed the first phase of the plan with the installation of two (2) Primary Gateway signs at the entrances to the townsite. The 2024 approved budget includes $30,000 for wayfinding, carried forward from the 2023 budget. The project funding is 100% grant supported. On May 17th a RFP was posted to Alberta Purchasing Connection. The RFP closed on June 14th and two submissions were received. Today, Council awarded the 2024 Wayfinding Project to Burke Group of Companies Ltd. in the amount of $36,802.99.

June 18, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Delegations - Jasper Municipal Library Board
Council accepted the Financial Review for the Municipality of Jasper Library Board presented by Director of Library Services Angie Thom. The presentation included updates on staffing, visitor counts, circulation, programming, events, board accomplishments, financial statements and more.

Director’s Report - Finance & Administration
Council received a report from Natasha Malenchak, Director of Finance & Administration, reviewing recent major projects in information technology; staffing updates; service trends; and a summary of the 2024 operating budget to date.

Electric Bus Procurement
After discussion at the June 11, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council authorized administration to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the supply of three battery-electric buses (BEBs) and associated charging infrastructure. The procurement results will return to council in approximately two months' time.

Transit Fleet Facility Procurement
At the last Committee of the Whole meeting, Council was presented with recommendations and alternatives regarding the Transit Fleet Facility for consideration. Today, Council voted to award Johnston Builders the contract for the construction of the Transit Fleet Facility in the amount of $3,204,123, inclusive of the optional solar array and a negotiated option to not move forward with construction if Council decides not to award the RFP for buses.

Traffic Safety Bylaw Amendment
Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw #262, the Traffic Safety Amending Bylaw 2024, which would amend Bylaw #244, the Traffic Safety Bylaw by removing section 16.16. The bylaw will come back for third and final meeting at the next Regular Council meeting scheduled for July 2, 2024. The change was first discussed at the June 11, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting.

June 4, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Appointments to Regional Assessment Review Board
Council appointed Rhonda Morgan (Jasper) as the Designated Clerk for the Regional Assessment Review Board for West Yellowhead for a 1- year term starting June 1, 2024; and also appointed Leigh Beamish (Hinton) as the Designated Chair for the Regional Assessment Review Board for West Yellowhead for a 1- year term starting June 1, 2024. The Designated Chair’s remuneration and expenses will follow the Town of Hinton Council Remuneration Policy.

Annual Employee Housing Report
Council approved Policy D-116, the Municipal Employee Housing Policy, in April 2022 and corresponding administrative procedures in January 2023. Under Section 5.1 of the administrative procedures, an annual employee housing report is to be provided to Council. Included in the report are details on the occupancy, revenue, capital expenditures and cost to operate staff accommodation units. After discussion at the May 28, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting; and again at Regular, Council voted to provide a waiver from Policy D-116 and authorize the 2024 staff accommodation rates with a 4.5% increase for 2024.

2024 Tax Rate Bylaw - 3rd reading
Council gave third reading to Bylaw #261 the 2024 Tax Rate Bylaw which authorizes the rates of taxation to be levied against assessable property within the Municipality of Jasper for the 2024 taxation year.

Appointed Council Member on Jasper Food Alliance Committee
Council received a request at the May 28th Committee of the Whole meeting for a Member to join the Jasper Food Alliance Committee (JFAC) in 2024. Council recently approved A-107: Council Representation on External Boards & Committees Policy at the May 7th Regular Council meeting. After discussion today, Council voted to appoint Councillor Kathleen Waxer to the JFAC and Councillor Wendy Hall as an alternate.

May 21, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Jasper Pride Festival Society & OUT Jasper
Council received correspondence from the Jasper Pride Festival Society and OUT Jasper which is included in the agenda package. Council voted to approve the request from the Jasper Pride Festival Society & OUT Jasper for non-standard crosswalks which will be installed at the end of May within the 600 block of Patricia Street. To learn more about the Municipality’s commitment to cultivating a healthy, connected & equitable community click here.

Paid Parking Exemption for Indigenous Peoples
Council voted to waive Paid Parking fees for individuals/families who display a Parks Canada-issued Indigenous Park Pass in their vehicle. In recent years, parking fees were waived for Indigenous Partners visiting Jasper for National Indigenous Peoples’ Day (NIPD) on June 21 and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (NDTR) on September 30. Indigenous Peoples have a historical and ongoing connection to the land in Jasper National Park and the townsite of Jasper. Waiving parking fees is one way we acknowledge the truth - that historically, Indigenous Peoples were forcibly removed from this area.

National Public Works Week Proclamation
Council voted unanimously to proclaim May 19 - 25 National Public Works Week and urged all community members to join them in recognizing our public works employees and to celebrate the substantial contributions they make to protecting our health, safety, and quality of life. Read the proclamation here.

Tax Rate Bylaw 2024 - 1st & 2nd reading
Council gave first and second reading to the tax rate bylaw which authorizes the rates of taxation to be levied against assessable property within the Municipality of Jasper for the 2024 taxation year. The bylaw will be coming back to the June 4th Regular meeting for third reading.

ATCO Streetlight Conversion to LED Lighting
On April 16, 2024, Council received a presentation from ATCO regarding street lighting and a conversion to LED lighting. Administration brought further material for consideration to the May 14, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting. After discussion last week and today, Council approved the conversion of our current lighting infrastructure to LED technology; and directed Administration to utilize the Financial Stabilization Fund to proceed with the conversion of decorative street lights along with the LED conversion.

May 7, 2024

For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Annual Assessment Presentation
Council received highlights of the Municipality’s assessment summary for 2023 from Accurate Assessment Group Ltd representative Troy Birtles. The full presentation can be found in the May 7, 2024 agenda package.

IT Master Plan
Council voted unanimously to approve the Information Technology Master Plan (ITMP) as presented after discussion at the April 23, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting. The ITMP was conducted to review foundational areas such as the technical infrastructure, business solutions, policies and procedures, and IT Service Management Practices. It is intended to be used to reflect on areas that are working well and in a good position, as well as focus on areas that require further attention. This Final Report provides details on the work plan, underlying opportunities, the prioritization of processes and an understanding of the expected benefits. The plan recommends that Jasper take a measured approach to increasing its level of effort in IT over the next 5 to 6 years.

Council Representation on External Boards & Committees Policy
Council approved A-107: Council Representation on External Boards & Committees Policy which was reviewed by the Legislative Committee of Council at the April 2nd meeting and also by Committee of the Whole at the April 23rd meeting. The policy provides a framework of guidelines and criteria which will be used to determine appointments to external boards and committees which are set at the annual Organizational meeting in October.

Transit Service Standards Policy
Council approved F-114: Service Standards Policy which was first reviewed by Committee of the Whole at the April 9th meeting and again on April 23rd. The policy is intended to provide a structured approach to managing and evaluating public transit services; and to facilitate consistent decision-making and prioritization of resources, helping to balance demand with service provision. By establishing clear criteria for service adjustments and expansions, the policy will support strategic planning and investment in public transportation infrastructure while fostering accountability and transparency, ensuring that the public is informed about service levels and performance metrics.

April 30, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

2023 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements
Council voted to accept and approve of the Audited Financial Statements of the Municipality of Jasper as presented for the year ended December 31, 2023. The financial statements also require an auditor’s report which was completed by Metrix Group Chartered Professional Accounts. Once approved, annual financial statements are published on the website here.

CUPE Local 1458 Collective Agreement 2024-2026
Council approved the memorandum of agreement between members of CUPE Local 1458 and the Municipality of Jasper negotiating committees on April 16, 2024.

April 16, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.  

Mayor’s Recognition Awards
Mayor & Council were grateful for the opportunity to acknowledge two community members with Recognition Awards after considering all nominations submitted by their fellow residents. Their efforts and accomplishments have made a significant contribution to the Municipality of Jasper and they are an inspiration to all fellow community members.

  • Marie-Pierre Flipo-Bergeron - “Distinguished Voluntary Service”
  • Kiara Davis - “Athletics”

National Volunteer Week Proclamation
Council proclaimed April 14-20, 2024 as National Volunteer Week in Jasper. This week is set aside each year to recognize and thank volunteers around Jasper and Canada for the time and energy they contribute to causes that benefit our communities. National Volunteer Week is also an opportunity to promote the benefits of volunteering to individuals and society. Read the proclamation here.

Community & Economic Development Fund Applications
Council awarded $1,667 in Community & Economic Development Funding to each of the following groups:

  • Jeffrey Wilson - The Men’s Shed 
  • Danny Frechette - Snape’s Hill Happy Little Trees
  • Jasper Physiotherapy and Massage     

There was a high level of interest in the fund and the hope is other organizations consider applying again in September 2024, to be considered for the 2025 funding cycle.

Day for Awareness of Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Residents Theresa Westhaver, Matricia Bauer, and Paulette Blanchette-Dubé invited Council to a community event on Sunday, May 5th to participate in a Day for Awareness of Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) with further details to be confirmed. Council confirmed their support for an event and approved a proclamation which can be found on the website here.

ATCO Presentation
Council received a presentation from ATCO regarding an opportunity to convert the town’s streetlights to LED while protecting Jasper’s Dark Sky Preserve status. The conversion could save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while also reducing the Municipality’s monthly operating costs. The presentation is included in the meeting’s agenda package here. Council directed Administration to look into potential changes and report back to a future Committee of the Whole meeting with a report for discussion.

April 2, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.  

National Housing Conference Update
Councillor Wilson presented an update on his recent attendance at the National Housing Conference.

Capital Budget Carry Forward to 2024
Council approved the carry forward capital list of incomplete 2023 projects to the 2024 capital budget as presented. The carry forward process is to ensure that all capital projects that have begun in the prior year can continue, and that any projects that did not commence but are still required can be initiated in the current fiscal year.

Position Request: Director of Urban Design & Standards
Council voted to amend the 2024 budget to create a new full-time permanent Director of Urban Design and Standards position. In alignment with Jasper’s commitment to strategic urban development and collaborative work with Parks Canada, there is a pressing need to establish a dedicated role for spearheading the municipality’s involvement in the development of the new community plan and a number of other current and ongoing projects. This initiative aims to ensure Jasper’s interests and strategic goals are effectively represented and integrated throughout the Community Plan process. Moreover, this role will serve as a crucial resource for the municipality’s current development-related tasks, enhancing efficiency and coherence in urban design and standards enforcement.

Transit – Ridership Survey & Public Engagement
Council directed Administration to extend the hours of an upcoming public open house related to transit to end at 8pm rather than 6pm. The transit ridership survey and public engagement has three ways to participate:

  • Online - 
  • Hard Copy - Paper copies of the survey at the Jasper Activity Centre or Administration Office.
  • In-Person - Thursday, April 18 Jasper Activity Centre , 11:00am to 1:00pm in the Multi-Purpose Hall, and 4:00pm to 8:00pm in the Arena Lobby 

March 19, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.  

Rates and Fees Bylaw 2024
Council gave third and final reading to Bylaw #260 - the Rates and Fees Bylaw 2024, which amends existing bylaws including the Commercial Use of Public Space Bylaw and the Business Licensing Bylaw. The amendments and fee changes were first discussed at the February 27th Committee of the Whole meeting; and again at the March 5th Regular Council meeting where the bylaw received first and second readings. In response to feedback; before third reading, Council made an additional amendment to establish a discounted rate for use of the parking lane for less than 12 hours to recognize different kinds of business uses.  

Public Statements Policy F-112
Council approved F-112 Public Statements Policy, which replaces the existing Proclamation, Letter of Support and Flag Raising Request Policy and also includes requests for non-standard crosswalks.

Jasper is a welcoming and inclusive community which works to increase awareness about the issues faced by under-represented groups; promote cultural diversity; and create an environment where all citizens feel valued and empowered. Council recognizes that as a democratically elected body it can play a crucial role in shaping perceptions; fostering social cohesion; supporting vulnerable and marginalized populations; and advancing broader political and social objectives on behalf of the people it represents through the use of public statements.

All public statements endorsed by the Municipality shall be processed consistently, foster inclusion, and advance dignity and respect within the community. The Policy Manual, which includes Administrative Procedures to accompany the policy, is available to the public on the website here.     

Jasper Skatepark Committee
Council approved interim financing of up to $150,000 for the Jasper Skatepark Committee after receiving a request for assistance at the March 12th Committee of the Whole meeting.

Providing interim financing to the Skatepark Committee via a low-interest loan facilitates the timely commencement and completion of the skatepark, ensuring that the community benefits from this facility without undue delay. The Jasper Skatepark Committee has been fundraising to build a new skatepark for many years. The Municipality has previously worked with the Committee to identify an appropriate site in Centennial Park. 

Establishment of New Public EV Charging Stations
EVenture northwest AB is a community-driven, collaborative program between municipalities seeking to build a level 3 (DC Fast Charger) EV charging network across west/central Alberta. The project, facilitated by Community Energy Association, will create a level 3 EV charging station network, and provide connectivity across the region. Council approved participation in the EVenture charging network and the establishment of four new electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in the off-street parking lot adjacent to the public washrooms on Connaught Drive through a license of occupation for a term of up to 14 years.

March 5, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Sidewalk Seating Fees 2024
After reviewing program statistics for the paid parking program in 2023; and considering the value of a parking stall in zone 1010 from May to October 2024, (calculated to be $2,661 based on the same usage and the rates approved by Council for 2024), Council approved increasing the Sidewalk Seating fee for the use of the parking lane to $1,850 per stall in 2024 and $2,050 per stall in 2025. The changes were first discussed at the February 27, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting.

First and Second Readings of Rates and Fees Bylaw 2024
The proposed Rates and Fees Bylaw amends existing municipal bylaw #246 Commercial Use of Public Space Bylaw and bylaw #110 Business Licensing Bylaw. It also allows for updates to be made to fees as reviews progress in different areas, including sidewalk seating fees and business licensing fees. Before third reading is considered, Council directed Administration to provide alternative pricing for installations that occupy the parking lane space for less than 12 hours per day. This item will return at a future Council meeting.

February 20, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Affordable Housing Advocacy
Council authorized the Mayor to write a letter to the Minister of Alberta Seniors, Community and Social Services requesting that the Government of Alberta affordable income thresholds for Jasper be increased to match those of Banff beginning in 2024.

Child Care Advocacy
Council approved the Early Learning and Child Care bilateral agreement advocacy approach presented by Administration and last discussed at the January 23rd Committee meeting. Council also supported submitting the Request for Decision included in the agenda package to the Alberta Municipalities Spring Leaders’ Caucus.

Jasper Municipal Housing Corporation (JMHC) Shareholders Policy, Shareholder Resolutions and Director Appointments
On August 15, 2023 Council held a Public Hearing to vote on the establishment of the JMHC as a Municipally Controlled Corporation (MCC). Administration is working with Brownlee LLP on fulfilling requirements under the Municipal Government Act and Business Corporations Act to ensure all incorporation functions are complete.

At today’s meeting, Council approved the Jasper Municipal Housing Corporation Shareholder Policy B-123; approved resolutions to reflect the date of incorporation, and corporate appointments at that time, as well as any changes to appointments made thereafter. Council also made the following appointments to the board of Directors:

  • Councillors Scott Wilson and Rico Damota to November 15, 2025
  • Nadine McIsaac, Edward Archibald, Laurie Rodger, Serge Martin and Andrea Ziegler for a term February 20, 2024 to March 1, 2026

Community & Economic Development Fund Policy Review
Council voted to amend the Community and Economic Development Fund Policy B-117 to ensure organizations that have already received municipal funding through the budget process in the calendar year for which they are applying are ineligible to apply for further funding.

Paid Parking 2024
Council received a 2023 Paid Parking wrap-up report at the February 13th Committee meeting and discussed revisions to the program for the upcoming year. Today Council voted to increase the paid parking rates to $4.50/h on-street, and $3.50/h or $17/day in parking lots for 2024.

Communities in Bloom Appointments
Council appointed Danny Frechette, Sarah Fougere, and Shelley Koebel to the Communities in Bloom Committee for a term commencing January 1, 2024 and concluding December 31, 2025. The goals of the committee include sharing ideas and expertise for beautification and environmental projects; identifying strengths and weaknesses in local initiatives; fostering community engagement and support for municipal programs; and more.

January 23 - Special Council Meeting
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Supplementary Assessments and Taxation Bylaws 2024
Council gave third and final reading to the Supplementary Assessment of Improvements Bylaw 2024 and the Supplementary Tax Bylaw 2024 to authorize the assessment of improvements and related taxation for 2024.

Utility Fees Levy and Collecting Bylaw 2024
Council gave third and final reading to the Utility Fees Levy and Collecting Bylaw 2024, which sets the rates for the provision of water, sewer, solid waste and recycling services as presented in the 2024 utilities budget approved in December.

January 16, 2024
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

First and second readings of Supplementary Tax and Assessment Bylaws 2024
Supplementary property assessments are conducted to establish the value of  any new construction that has been completed or occupied during the current calendar year that would not have been included in the municipality's regular annual assessment process. Supplementary assessments are typical in new home construction, where the dwelling or improvements were still under construction in the current taxation year. All bylaws receive three readings.

First and second readings of Utility Fees Levy and Collecting Bylaw 2024
The Utility Fees Levy and Collection Bylaw is amended on an annual basis to reflect adjustments in rates and/or to address technical matters. It allows the Municipality of Jasper to collect fees for the provision of water, sewer, solid waste and recycling services for both residents and businesses.

National Immigration Project, Local Immigration Project, and Settlement Services Renewals Support
Council approved submitting an application to continue the partnership with Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to deliver existing and expanded national, regional, and local services for another 5-year term. Since 2017, Jasper has benefited from leading a vibrant and active Local Immigration Partnership which has also led to stable funding for two settlement services outreach workers in our community. The Jasper Local Immigration Partnership (JLIP) is part of a Canada wide program to support newcomers in local communities. Find out more on the website here.

Council Delegation to Hakone 2024
Council approved a Jasper delegation to Hakone, Japan in the fall of 2024. Council has directed administration to reduce the trip length and to invite Tourism Jasper to take part in an effort to leverage economic development opportunities coming from recently increased direct flight service between Alberta and Tokyo. Similar to Jasper, Hakone is located within a national park and has an economy that is largely tourism focused.

December 19, 2023
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

2024-2026 Operating and 2024-2028 Capital Budgets
Council approved the 2024-2026 Operating Budget and the 2024-2028 Capital Budget after discussion at meetings beginning in early November. Information on all past and present budgets can be found on the website here

2024 Boards & Committees Appointments
Council appointed Diane Tremblay to the Jasper Municipal Library Board for a term commencing January 1, 2024 and concluding December 31, 2026.

Behaviour in Municipal Facilities Policy
Council approved policy D-109: Behaviour in Municipal Facilities Policy, which describes the Municipality’s commitment to setting clear expectations for behaviour within their facilities, and applies to all members of the public including participants in sporting activities. Efforts to foster safe, welcoming, and inclusive public spaces free from hate, discrimination, inappropriate or offensive conduct, enhance Council’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

Fitness & Aquatic Centre Emergency Boiler Replacement
Council received a report on the replacement of the boiler(s) at the Jasper Fitness and Aquatic Centre, and approved the transfer of funding from the 2024 budget to the 2023 Capital Budget in the amount of $229,775 to be funded from the Annual General Restricted Reserve.

December 5, 2023
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Land Acknowledgement Policy
Council approved updates to Policy A-106 Land Acknowledgement Policy, which was first approved on October 25, 2021. The Municipality of Jasper is learning about the rich and complex histories of Indigenous Peoples in this area and is continuously working to refine how the organization can best acknowledge these histories and present-day realities in a truthful and authentic way. The policy is a living document that will continue to evolve over time as the Municipality is engaged in ongoing learning and education about reconciliation.

Community & Economic Development Fund Policy
Council approved updates to Policy B-117 Community & Economic Development (CED) Fund Policy, after having received approval on October 25, 2022. The CED Fund provides financial support to projects that help advance either community or economic development initiatives within the Municipality of Jasper. After the first twelve months of policy implementation, Council chose to change the eligibility requirements of the program to exclude groups that have already received municipal funding in the current calendar year and to allow individuals meeting criteria to submit applications.

Jasper Destination Stewardship Plan
At the November 28, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council received a presentation from Tourism Jasper regarding the Jasper Destination Stewardship Plan. Council formally endorsed the plan today which aims to optimize the visitor economy to best steward the collective future of Jasper and Jasper National Park. The ten year road map outlines initiatives that both protect the authenticity of Jasper and look to protect the region’s visitor economy.

Jasper Labour Market Study
Council endorsed the Jasper Labour Market Study, which was presented by representatives of the Jasper Employment & Education Centre (JEEC) along with members of Ballad Consulting Group at the November 28, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting. The Labour Market Study was prepared for the JEEC in partnership with the Municipality of Jasper, Community Futures West Yellowhead, Jasper Park Chamber of Commerce, Parks Canada, Tourism Jasper, and the Government of Alberta. The Government of Alberta is working in partnership with the Government of Canada to provide employment support programs and services through Labour Market Partnership grants. Jasper’s business community and labour market faces various challenges due to a multitude of factors, but primarily faces an issue of labour shortage.

2024-2026 Operating Budget
Council discussed and made decisions on the 2024-2026 Operating Budget with deliberations to be continued at a future meeting. Council also received delegations who shared their perspectives and concerns regarding the proposed municipal budget.

November 7, 2023
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

External Group Presentations - 2024 Budget Discussions
Council received presentations from Community Futures West Yellowhead and the Jasper Employment & Education Centre. Each delegation shared their ideas for Municipal funding and their presentations are attached to today’s agenda package. Eleven groups are scheduled to present their requests at next Tuesday’s Committee of the Whole meeting (9:30am start). The full budget discussions with presentations from each municipal department are scheduled for November 21st and 22nd (9am start both days).

Community & Economic Development Fund Applications
Council approved the following grants from the Community & Economic Development Fund after a full discussion at last week’s Committee of the Whole meeting:

  • $2,500 to Jasper Local Food Society
  • $2,500 to Jasper Artists Guild

255A Wastewater Treatment Facilities Borrowing Bylaw 2023 & 256A Jasper Recreation Complex Renovation Phase 2 Borrowing Bylaw 2023 Readings
Council passed technical amendments to two borrowing bylaws that were previously approved at the September 19, 2023 Regular Council meeting. Bylaws 255A and 256A can be found on the website in the Bylaw Directory.

October 17, 2023
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Early Learning & Child Care Strategy
On August 3, 2021 Council approved the use of $24,000 from a portion of the COVID Recovery Reserve to develop a community child care strategy. On February 1, 2022 Council approved engaging with Rob Buschmann from University of Alberta Community-University Partnership, to develop a Jasper Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Strategy. That report was delivered to Council on December 13, 2022 and since that time Council and Administration have been working together to develop the refined document which Council voted to adopt today, Jasper’s Community Child Care Strategy.

The strategy is intended to guide Council and administrative efforts to support ELCC programs and services in Jasper and ensure that ELCC is considered during higher-level decision making. The plan builds upon the foundation of work undertaken to date and sets a four-year plan for continued action in this area.

Board Skills Matrix - Jasper Municipal Housing Corporation
Council approved the Jasper Municipal Housing Corporation (JMHC) Board Skills Matrix after having discussed the matter at the October 10th Committee of the Whole meeting. Next steps to incorporate and register the municipally controlled corporation – the JMHC, include establishing the Board of Directors. Successful applicants will be appointed by Council. Appointees will be designated Directors and make up the JMHC Board. A board competency matrix is a strategic tool that helps organizations ensure their boards are equipped with the right mix of skills and expertise to effectively govern and guide the organization toward its goals.

October 3, 2023
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Delegations - Danny Frechette of Snape’s Hill Happy Little Trees Project
Council received a presentation from Jasper resident Danny Frechette who gave an update on the Snape’s Hill Happy Little Trees Project and a proposed clean-up of the area.

Welcoming Week Proclamation
Council proclaimed October 21-28, 2023 as Welcoming Week in Jasper. The request for the proclamation came from Jasper’s Local Immigration Partnership Coordinator within the department of Community Development. Welcoming Week is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the people, places and values communities hold that make people feel welcome and that they belong, no matter where they are from. Read the proclamation here and keep an eye on the Community Calendar for special events.

The Municipality of Jasper has been coordinating and supporting Jasper’s Local Immigration Partnership since 2017 through a funding agreement with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

September 19, 2023
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Jasper Recreation Complex Renovation Phase 2 Borrowing Bylaw 2023 & Wastewater Treatment Facilities Borrowing Bylaw 2023 3rd Readings
Council gave third readings to both bylaw #255, the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Borrowing Bylaw 2023 and bylaw #256, the Jasper Recreation Complex Renovation Phase 2 Borrowing Bylaw 2023 with repayment terms of 20 years each. The bylaws authorize Council to incur indebtedness by the issuance of debenture on the respective projects

2022 Year End Surplus Reserve Transfers  
Council approved the 2022 year end tax supported surplus of $147,544 be allocated to Reserves as per Policy B-112 in the following amounts:

  • $73,772 (50%) to Fixed Assets Reserve
  • $14,754 (10%) to Community Housing Reserve
  • $59,017 (40%) to Financial Stabilization Reserve

Council approved the 2022 year end utility supported surplus of $534,685 be allocated to Reserves as per Policy B-112 in the following amount:

  • $534,685 (100%) to Utility Operating Reserve

S-Block Parking 2023, Winter Seasonal Service
Council approved the winter seasonal service pilot project proposal for the 2023/24 season of S-Block Parking Lot with a report to come back to a Committee of the Whole meeting in the spring. The proposal details can be found in the September 12th Committee of the Whole meeting agenda at which it was first discussed.  

Recreation Facility Access Policy
Council adopted D-117 the Recreation Facility Access Policy. The Municipality of Jasper recognizes that recreation and physical activity are important for both physical and mental health, as well as general wellbeing. In the public recreation facilities it owns and operates, the Municipality of Jasper shall work to reduce or remove financial barriers to access for identified groups through a Recreation Access Program.

September 5, 2023
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Delegations - The Resilience Institute
Council received a presentation from Dr. Henry Penn and Laura Lynes of The Resilience Institute. The Municipality of Jasper is currently undertaking a Climate Risk Assessment (CRA) as part of The Municipal Climate Change Action Centre’s (MCCAC) Climate Resilience Capacity Building Program. The CRA will support the community in identifying and planning for climate hazards such as severe drought, high intensity rainfall, extreme heat, and severe storms. This work is being undertaken by The Resilience Institute (TRI) with the support of Associated Engineering (Associated). A public engagement session will be held by the Municipality with The Resilience Institute on September 20th, with more details to be advertised soon.

Rail Safety Week Proclamation
Council proclaimed September 18-24, 2023 Rail Safety Week, in support of CN Rail’s ongoing efforts to raise awareness, save lives and prevent injuries in communities. Educating and informing the public about rail safety will reduce the number of avoidable fatalities and injuries caused by incidents involving trains and citizens. Read the proclamation here.

Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta (FRIAA) Grant Application
Council approved an application to the FRIAA for grant funding toward a new ten-year Wildfire Mitigation Strategy which will allow the Municipality the opportunity to continue to build on reducing the fuel load around the community and mitigating risk to residents and properties.  

September 26th Committee of the Whole Meeting Cancelled
Council voted to cancel the September 26, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting due to an anticipated lack of quorum. Several councillors will be attending the Alberta Municipalities Conference in Edmonton; at which the Municipality of Jasper will be presenting a resolution titled “Protection for Vulnerable Residential Tenants” for consideration.

Reallocation of Capital Funds
Council approved the deletion of the purchase of a 4x4 1-ton pickup truck and a ¾ ton pickup truck, and a reallocation of capital funds to proceed with the purchase of:

  • a new tractor and implements for winter sidewalk maintenance; 
  • and a 10-ton dump truck for snow removal operations.

Jasper Recreation Complex Renovation Phase 2 Borrowing Bylaw 2023 & Wastewater Treatment Facilities Borrowing Bylaw 2023 2nd Readings
Council gave second readings to both the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Borrowing Bylaw 2023 and the Jasper Recreation Complex Renovation Phase 2 Borrowing Bylaw 2023 with repayment terms of 20 years each. Both bylaws are set to come back for third readings on September 19th. The bylaws authorize Council to incur indebtedness by the issuance of debenture on the respective projects.

August 15, 2023
For further details watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Delegations - Aquatera
Council received a presentation from Aquatera focused on the past two years of operation with the Municipality of Jasper; the benefits of the relationship; industry challenges; the community support provided by Aquatera; performance results; environmental performance; and a summary of the Jasper Capital Project.

Public Hearing - Municipally Controlled Corporation (MCC)

Municipalities who wish to create, acquire or control a MCC must comply with the rules in the Municipal Government Act (the MGA). As per the MGA, a municipality may not own or control a corporation without certain steps being taken, including holding a Public Hearing reviewing a Business Plan. Residents were invited to submit their concerns and/or attend the meeting with the Public Hearing being advertised in local news outlets and on the Municipality’s website and social media. After having first discussed the draft business plan at the June 27, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting Council again received the presentation from Administration including representatives from Colliers Project Leaders and Brownlee Law. 

Residents were then invited to ask questions; voice their concerns; and discuss potential impacts with Council. 

Once debate was completed Council voted to establish a Municipally Controlled Corporation for the purposes of developing community housing. Additional information can be found on the website under “Major Projects - Jasper Municipal Housing Corporation”

Mission Statement Policy, Respect & Dignity Policy, and Procurement Policy
After discussion at Legislative Committee and Committee of the Whole, Council approved updates to A:102 - Mission Statement Policy, B:105 - Respect & Dignity Policy, and B:120 - Procurement Policy as ongoing work being undertaken with policy review as per Policy A:101 - Policy Development and Review

July 18, 2023
Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Delegations - Jasper Heritage Folk & Blues Society
Council received a presentation from the Jasper Heritage Folk & Blues Society sharing information on the September 2023 Jasper Folk Music Festival at Commemoration Park, requesting 2024 festival funding, and inviting a member of Council to join the board. Council voted to sponsor the September 8 & 9, 2023 music festival at the Diamond level and hope to provide in kind donations to help the non-profit with their event.

Appointment to UpLift! Jasper Mural Festival Advisory Board
Council appointed Councillor Wilson on an interim basis to the UpLift! Jasper Mural Festival Advisory Board. Festival organizers presented at the July 11th Committee of the Whole meeting where the invitation to join the advisory board was extended.

Wastewater Treatment Facilities & Jasper Recreation Complex Renovation Phase 2 Borrowing Bylaws 2023 1st Readings
Council gave first readings to both the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Borrowing Bylaw 2023 and the Jasper Recreation Complex Renovation Phase 2 Borrowing Bylaw 2023 with repayment terms of 20 years each. Both bylaws are set to come back for second readings on September 5th. The bylaws authorize Council to incur indebtedness by the issuance of debenture on the respective projects.

July 4, 2023 
Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Storage Lots Bylaw 3rd Reading
Council gave third reading to Bylaw #254, the Storage Lots Bylaw, which sets out the eligibility, conditions, fees and penalties associated with this service. There is a substantial waiting list for the service, suggesting that there is a strong demand for vehicle and RV storage for residents in Jasper.

Council Delegation to Hakone 2023
Due to the low numbers of Councillors able to participate in a fall delegation, Council voted to defer the trip to Hakone to the fall of 2024. Administration will continue planning and organizing a trip for 2024. Council also approved the carry-forward of the $10,000 allocation in the 2023 operating budget to 2024.

Municipally Controlled Corporation (MCC) - Public Hearing
Council voted to establish August 15th, 2023 at 1:30pm at the Quorum Room as the date, time and location of a public hearing as required by the Municipal Governance Act, for Council to consider the establishment of a Municipally Controlled Corporation for the purposes of developing community housing. Municipalities who wish to create, acquire or control a MCC must comply with the rules in the Municipal Government Act (the MGA). As per the MGA, a municipality may not own or control a corporation without certain steps being taken, including holding a Public Hearing reviewing a Business Plan.

June 20, 2023
Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

2022 Audited Financial Statements
Council accepted and approved the Audited Financial Statements of the Municipality of Jasper as presented for the year ended December 31, 2022. The financial statements also require an auditor’s report which was completed by Metrix Group Chartered Professional Accounts.

Storage Lots Bylaw 1st & 2nd Reading
Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw #254, the Storage Lots Bylaw, which sets out the eligibility, conditions, fees and penalties associated with this service. There is a substantial waiting list for the service, suggesting that there is a strong demand for vehicle and RV storage for residents in Jasper. The bylaw was last updated in 2018 and will come back for a third reading after receiving certification with Parks Canada.

Recreation Renovation Budget Update
Council approved increasing the Recreation Renovation Project budget by a total of $6.4M, to be funded by debenture. The cost increase is due to the impact of inflation since the project concept was originally developed. The current price reflects a “ready to build” level of design detail as well as current market conditions for materials and is representative of actual tender responses from trades. The project will: address significant lifecycle reinvestments in mechanical and electrical systems; improve physical accessibility and inclusion in a number of areas; fully renovate and modernize Aquatics Centre changing areas; fully renovate all existing Arena dressing rooms while adding an additional 3 new dressing rooms.

Hose Tower Repairs
Council approved capital funding in the amount of $50,000 for the Hose Tower Repairs project at the Emergency Services Building.

Community & Economic Development Fund Applications
Council awarded $2,500 in Community & Economic Development Funding to each of the following groups:

  • Jasper Local Food Society
  • Jasper Pride Festival Society
  • Jasper Seniors Housing Society

There was a high level of interest in the fund and the hope is other organizations consider applying again in September 2023, to be considered for the 2024 funding cycle.

Strategic Facility Plan RFP Award
Council voted to increase the total budget for the Strategic Facility Plan to $106,705 using $76,705 in Municipal Sustainability Initiative operational funding and awarded the Strategic Facility Plan to Reimagine Architecture. To advance this planning administration developed and posted an RFP for “Strategic Facility Plan” to Alberta Purchasing Connection on March 24th, 2023, with a closing date of April 21st. The RFP asked proponents to develop a plan which will identify the type, quantity and location of spaces required to fully support the Municipality’s business initiatives over a 20-year time horizon.

June 6, 2023
Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Seniors’ Week Proclamation
Council proclaimed June 5-11, 2023 as Seniors’ Week in Jasper and reminded all that our seniors provide an invaluable foundation for our community. They hope all recognize their countless contributions of supporting others, volunteering at events, contributing their time, and sharing stories about our history.  

Seniors will be celebrated with several events during the week, including a Seniors Tea & Treats event at the Activity Centre on Thursday, June 8th at 2pm. There will be information specific to seniors and Glenda the Great will be catering the tea and treats. Read the proclamation here.

Extended Producer Responsibility
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is an environmental/economic policy approach in which product and packaging manufacturers manage both the financial and operational obligations of recycling, ensuring the materials are properly managed at the end of their life cycle. The new EPR regulations in Alberta came into effect on November 30, 2022 with its full implementation scheduled for April 1, 2025 (Alberta Recycling, 2023). EPR will significantly affect Alberta municipalities and their respective waste and recycling management sites and collection services. Council agreed to make a request to the West Yellowhead Regional Waste Management Authority to develop resources to assist member communities in preparing for EPR.

May 16, 2023
Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Connaught Utilities Borrowing and Local Improvement Levy Amending Bylaw 2023 - 3rd reading
Council gave third reading to the Bylaw #252 - the Connaught Utilities Borrowing and Local Improvement Levy Amending Bylaw which amends the existing bylaws to match the final actual cost of borrowing for the project which was completed under budget in 2022. The Local Improvement Levy to be applied to parcels GC and GB will also be adjusted downward for the remainder of the borrowing term.

Taxation Rates Bylaw 2023 - 3rd reading
Council gave third reading to Bylaw #253 - the Taxation Rates Bylaw 2023 which authorizes the rates of taxation to be levied against assessable property within the Municipality of Jasper for the 2022 taxation year. Recognizing the growth in overall taxable assessment the proposed municipal tax rates have decreased compared to 2022.

Appointments to Regional Assessment Review Board
Council appointed Michelle Deschene (Jasper) as the Designated Clerk for the Regional Assessment Review Board for West Yellowhead for a 1-year term starting June 1, 2023, and;  also appointed Leigh Beamish (Hinton) as the Designated Chair for the Regional Assessment Review Board for West Yellowhead for a 1-year term starting June 1, 2023.

Council appointed Scott Wilson to the Local Assessment Review Board (LARB) and Composite Assessment Review Board (CARB) established under the West Yellowhead Regional Assessment Review Board for a 3-year term commencing immediately until March 30, 2026.

Public Transit RFP Award
Council awarded the RFP for the Jasper Public Transportation (Transit) System to PWTransit Canada and amended the 2023 operational budget to include and additional $514,000 for public transit operation, to be funded as follows:

  • $50,000 from external contributions (GYPSD)
  • $17,000 from Fare Revenue
  • $197,000 from the Public Transportation and Parking Reserve
  • $250,000 from the 2022 year-end surplus  

Council Delegation to Hakone 2023
Council approved a Jasper delegation to Hakone in the fall of 2023, with the last Jasper delegation having travelled in 2012. Jasper and Hakone, Japan first established their sister-city relationship in 1972. A delegation of ten visitors from Hakone was last in Jasper in 2015. Any community members interested in joining Jasper’s delegation, tentatively scheduled for the first week of November, should reach out to the Legislative Department at for more details.  

Business Continuity Policy
Council approved policy B-122 Business Continuity Policy which will guide the development of a plan and program to help ensure that essential municipal services can continue during and after unexpected events that could disrupt normal operations. The policy states that the business continuity plan must be presented to the Emergency Advisory Committee for approval and be reviewed yearly or following an incident that results in a disruption or loss of municipal services.

National Public Works Week Proclamation
Council voted unanimously to proclaim May 21 - 27 National Public Works Week and urged all community members to join them in recognizing our public works employees and to celebrate the substantial contributions they make to protecting our health, safety, and quality of life. Read the proclamation here.

May 2, 2023
Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Jasper Municipal Library Board
Council received a presentation from Angie Thom & Joyce Melnyk and accepted the 2022 Financial Review for the Municipality of Jasper Library Board.

Annual Assessment Presentation
Council received highlights of the Municipality’s assessment summary for 2022. The summary showed that the total taxable assessment of all properties in the community has surpassed $2 billion for the first time. The full presentation can be found in the May 2, 2023 agenda package.

Connaught Utilities Borrowing and Local Improvement Levy Amending Bylaw 2023 - 2nd reading
Council gave second reading to the Connaught Utilities Borrowing and Local Improvement Levy Amending Bylaw which would amend the existing bylaws to match the final actual cost of borrowing for the project which was completed under budget in 2022. The Local Improvement Levy to be applied to parcels GC and GB will also be adjusted downward for the remainder of the borrowing term.

Taxation Rates Bylaw 2023 - 1st & 2nd reading
Council gave first and second reading to the taxation rates bylaw which authorizes the rates of taxation to be levied against assessable property within the Municipality of Jasper for the 2022 taxation year. Recognizing the growth in overall taxable assessment the proposed municipal tax rates have decreased compared to 2022. The bylaw will be coming back to the May 16th regular meeting for third reading.

Communities in Bloom Committee Terms of Reference
Council approved the Communities in Bloom Committee Terms of Reference which included details on membership, the purpose and responsibility of the committee, frequency of meetings, and more. The municipality will look to recruit members for the committee in the fall of 2023.

April 18, 2023
Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the agenda here.

Mayor’s Recognition Awards
Mayor & Council were grateful for the opportunity to recognize the following individuals with awards for “Distinguished Voluntary Service”. Their efforts and accomplishments have made a significant contribution to the Municipality of Jasper and they are an inspiration to all fellow community members.

  • Gail & Don Lonsberry
  • Sarah Tassoni
  • Rieko Okazaki

Council also gave thanks to Sandy Cox, Angela Lemire, Stephen Eldred, and Tiffany Toussaint for their past volunteer service on the Jasper Municipal Library Board.

Jasper Skatepark Committee
Council received a presentation from Darrell Savage of the Jasper Skatepark Committee with an update on the funding for the construction of a new skatepark. Council directed Administration to work with the JSC on preliminary steps to move the project towards construction and voted to consider the project shortfall at budget deliberations this fall.

National Volunteer Week Proclamation
Council proclaimed April 16-22, 2023 as National Volunteer Week in Jasper. This week is set aside each year to recognize and thank volunteers around Jasper and Canada for the time and energy they contribute to causes that benefit our communities. National Volunteer Week is also an opportunity to promote the benefits of volunteering to individuals and society. Read the proclamation here.

Connaught Utilities Borrowing and Local Improvement Levy Amending Bylaw
In July and August of 2021, Council gave three readings to Bylaw #239 – Connaught Utilities Borrowing Bylaw 2021, and Bylaw #240 – Connaught Utilities Local Improvement Bylaw 2021. Today Council gave first reading to the Connaught Utilities Borrowing and Local Improvement Levy Amending Bylaw which would amend the existing bylaws to show the updated figures, which match the borrowing amount needed at the time of issuance, and the new adjusted Local Improvement Levy to be applied to tax notices for the remainder of the borrowing term (2023 and beyond).

Director’s Report - Finance & Administration
Council received a report from Natasha Malenchak, Director of Finance & Administration, reviewing recent major projects; staffing and service trends. The report also shared preliminary year-end financial results. The results show that. As a result of lower than forecast expenditures, the municipality is likely to close the 2022 year with surplus. The municipality’s audited financial statements will be presented to council at a later date.  

Senior Recreation Facility Passes
Council approved granting free Annual All-Access passes to all residents 75+ to begin by June 1, 2023 and continue annually thereafter. They also directed Administration to return to a future Committee of the Whole meeting with a draft Free Recreation Access Policy.

Boards and Committees Appointments
Council approved updates to 2023 Council Boards & Committees appointments. See the updates here.

Alberta Municipalities Resolutions 2023
Members of Alberta Municipalities have an opportunity to present resolutions at the annual conference to address topics of concern affecting municipalities in the province. These resolutions help direct the Alberta Municipalities board of directors to advocate to the federal and provincial governments on their members’ behalf. Today Council approved the Protection for Vulnerable Residential Tenants resolution which had been developed by the Legislative Committee and Administration for submission to Alberta Municipalities and requested Administration seek a seconder.

April 4, 2023
Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

Membership with West Central Airshed Society
Council directed Administration to register the Municipality of Jasper as a member of the West Central Airshed Society (WCAS) which is a not-for-profit, multi-stakeholder organization that monitors, reports, evaluates and educates on air quality. As a member, the Municipality will receive support from WCAS through air data analysis for planning, awareness/outreach and response to air quality issues.

UpLift! Sponsorship Funding
Council approved funding for the 2023 UpLift! Mural festival for the Municipality of Jasper to be a “Wall Sponsor” in the amount of $25,000. The proposal includes painting a mural on the Jasper Activity Centre by the tennis courts. More information on the mural festival can be found on their website:   

West Yellowhead Trail Society - Pathway to the Park
Council agreed to seek opportunities to advocate on behalf of the extension of the Pathway to the Park from the Park boundary to the Municipality of Jasper.

Director’s Report - Community Development
Council received a report from Christopher Read, Director of Community Development, reviewing recent major projects; staffing and service trends; and news in communications and engagement within the department. Updates on the Activity Centre Renovation Project can be found on the Major Projects page on our website.

March 21, 2023
Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

Paid Parking 2023
After discussion at the March 14 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council made the following decisions regarding the Paid Parking program for 2023 at today’s Regular meeting:

  • Expand paid parking to include:
    - Connaught Drive between Hazel Avenue and the 700-block residential area
     - the off-street parking lot and on-street parking on the 200-block of Connaught Dr.
  • Convert the upper McCready Centre parking lot to resident parking only
  • Increase parking lot rates to $2.50 per hour and on street parking to $3.50 per hour
  • Increase the parking lot daily rate to $15

Alberta Living Wage Network
Council approved the Municipality of Jasper joining the Alberta Living Wage Network (AWLN) which is made up of community organizations and municipalities with the goal of advancing a coordinated living wage movement in Alberta. The network assists communities in their annual living wage calculation and provides certification to qualifying living wage employers.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Master Plan Implementation Update
Council received a report from Administration detailing the activities completed in 2022 related to the ED&I Master Plan including the formation of the Inclusion Committee and its subsequent work with many community partners.  

Recreation Renovation Public Information and Schedule Update
Council received an update from Administration reviewing the key front-facing aspects of the Activity Centre Renovation Project, as well as a picture of what the first six months of the project will look like for residents and user groups. Regular updates will be posted on the website here.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Proclamation
Council proclaimed March 21st as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in Jasper. An initiative of the United Nations, this day is an annual opportunity to recognize that injustices and prejudices fueled by racial discrimination continue to take place. Read the proclamation here.

March 7, 2023
Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

Parks Canada Annual Land Use Planning & Development Report
Council received correspondence from Parks Canada regarding the 2022 Land Use Planning & Development Report. Parks Canada is also seeking feedback from the public and is hosting two identical information sessions at 1:30-3:30pm and 6-8pm, Thursday, March 16, at the Forest Park Hotel Ballroom.

Director’s Report - Protective & Legislative Services
Council received a report from Christine Nadon, Director of Protective & Legislative Services, reviewing recent major projects; staffing and service trends; and news in communications and engagement within the department.

Capital Budget Carry Forward to 2023
Council approved the carry forward capital list of incomplete 2022 projects to the 2023 capital budget. Council approved the 2023 Operating and Capital Budgets on December 6, 2022.

ACFA Proclamation Request
Council proclaimed March as the annual Mois de la francophonie albertaine (Alberta Francophonie Month). Mayor Ireland was also in attendance for the celebration and flag raising at École Desrochers on March 2. The month of March provides an opportunity to highlight the vibrancy and energy the Francophonie brings to Alberta. Read the proclamation here.

February 21, 2023
Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

Director of Operations and Utilities Report
Council received a report from John Greathead, Director of Operations and Utilities, reviewing recent capital purchases and projects; staffing and service updates; and news in communications and engagement within the department.

Permanent Continuous Position Request – Community Development
Council approved the conversion of the following positions to “permanent continuous” within the municipality’s staff establishment chart:

• (1) Client Services Coordinator

• (2) Settlement Workers

• (1) Community Development Coordinator

These permanent continuous positions will not affect the 2023 budget and budgets going forward, provided the grant funding continues. Funding options will be brought to Council should the funding contracts end. This change results in increased employee equity, thus improving morale, and enabling more long-term work and planning in these areas. 

Policy A-105 Community Conversations
Council approved changes to the Community Conversations Policy (A-105), which outlines Council’s commitment to meaningful resident engagement to ensure that municipal services and programs remain responsive to changing community needs. The engagement model returned to its original format focusing on life stages, which include Early Childhood, School Age, Adults and Seniors. Visit the Community Conversations page for details on how to participate.

Jasper Municipal Library Board Appointment 
Council appointed Joanne Sommers to the Jasper Municipal Library Board for a term commencing February 21, 2023 and concluding December 31, 2025.

February 7, 2023

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

RCMP Musical Ride
Council supported a request from the Jasper Park Chamber of Commerce for the use of the Jasper Arena and part of Centennial Park to host the RCMP Musical Ride in late June. Support from the Municipality will include the use of facilities and the associated staff time required to facilitate the event. Administration estimates that the value of this gift in kind is approximately $25,000, of which $10,000 is the value of facility rental costs.

Supplementary Assessments and Taxation Bylaw
Council gave third and final reading to bylaws to authorize the assessment of improvements and related taxation for 2023.

Utility Fees Bylaw
Council gave third and final reading to the 2023 Utilities Bylaw, which sets the rates for the provision of water, sewer, solid waste and recycling services as presented in the 2023 utilities budget approved in December. The 2023 bylaw includes a new commercial rate for recycling, which reflects the volumes generated by commercial users in the food and beverage, grocery and hospitality sectors during the busy summer months.


January 17, 2023

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

First and second readings of Supplementary Tax and Assessment Bylaws 2023
Supplementary property assessments are conducted to establish the value of  any new construction that has been completed or occupied during the current calendar year that would not have been included in the municipality's regular annual assessment process. Supplementary assessments are typical in new home construction, where the dwelling or improvements were still under construction in the current taxation year. All bylaws receive three readings.

First and second readings of Utility Fees Levy and Collecting Bylaw 2023
The Utility Fees Levy and Collection Bylaw is amended on an annual basis to reflect adjustments in rates and/or to address technical matters. It allows the Municipality of Jasper to collect fees for the provision of water, sewer, solid waste and recycling services for both residents and businesses.

Jasper Community Team Society MOU and Board Appointment
On November 8, 2022 Committee of the Whole directed Administration to review existing structures and processes and report back to a future meeting with a recommendation regarding Council representation on the Jasper Community Team Society (JCTS).The JCTS is an integral partner in supporting the Municipality of Jasper in meeting the needs of our residents and visitors and today a formal memorandum of understanding was approved and Mayor Ireland was appointed to the board.

Policy B-117 Community & Economic Development Fund   
Council approved updates to Policy B-117 which includes key information on what the Community and Economic Development Fund does, the scope of the fund, the standards, the responsibilities of Council and administration as well as definitions to ensure that the policy can be understood. The standards section of the policy sets out the high-level parameters under which all requests for funding must adhere. The level of funding Council wishes to allocate to this fund can be determined by Council and is detailed in the standards section.

Council Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference
Council approved a terms of reference for the Human Resources Committee whose responsibilities include dealing with employment matters related to the CAO; reviewing applications for public appointments to municipal boards, committee or taskforces; and more. Council members are appointed to the HR Committee at Council’s annual organizational meeting each fall.  

Promoting Active Transportation in Jasper Feasibility Study RFP Award
In 2022 the Community Development department applied for a grant to study Active Transportation options in our community, specifically around bicycle infrastructure. The Transportation Master Plan (2018) supports active transportation, as does the current Council Strategic Priorities. The Municipality of Jasper was successful in that grant application, and therefore administration issued a Request for Proposals to complete the study. Today Council awarded the contract to Associated Engineering in the amount of $44,988 to complete the Promoting Active Transportation in Jasper Feasibility Study.

ATCO Electric Distribution System Franchise Extension
Council authorized the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to extend the Electric Distribution System Franchise Agreement between ATCO Electric Ltd. and Municipality of Jasper for a 5-year term effective July 3, 2023. The initial term of the Franchise Agreement was for a 10-year period and included the option to renew for a further 5-year period, subject to ATCO notifying the Municipality of the company’s desire to renew. ATCO wishes to renew and has provided the required notice.

December 20, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

Jasper Municipal Library Board Appointments
The Human Resources Committee made a recommendation to Council to appoint Joyce Melnyk, Lorena Alonso, and Shawn Cardiff to the Jasper Municipal Library Board for a term commencing January 1, 2023 and concluding December 31, 2025. Council voted unanimously to make the recommended appointments and thanked the applicants in advance for their service.

Reserves Policy
Council approved the Reserves Policy (B-112) and Schedule A (Reserves Descriptions) as presented today after discussion at the December 13, 2022 Committee of the Whole meeting. The Reserves Policy is intended to provide a forum for council to describe its expectations around the internal controls that should be maintained to ensure that municipal money is well-managed, adequately controlled, and spent only as approved by council. Additionally, the policy sets the standards of reporting council wishes to ensure that accurate and timely information is available for decision-making for future needs.

Regional All Hazards Incident Management Team Agreement
Through the Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA), municipalities are encouraged to join a regional All-Hazards Incident Management Team (AHIMT) to collaborate and augment emergency response capacities in the event of a disaster. The province is divided into several regions, which have varying degrees of organizational capacity and complexity. Today Council voted to enter into the Northwest Alberta Emergency Resource Agreement, which does not preclude the Municipality of Jasper from entering into other mutual aid agreements with other regional partners, namely in the West Yellowhead region.

Commercial Use of Public Space – Patio Seating
Council considered the proposed standards for patio seating recommended by the Commercial Use of Public Space Taskforce. The main deliverable from the task force, as set out in its terms of reference, was to recommend preferred approach(es) to the design of on-going commercial use of public space installations to Council for consideration. Following discussion, Council made a handful of amendments before adopting the recommended standard. Highlights of the standard include:

  • Allowing installations that received 3-year approvals in 2022 to continue while also providing an opportunity for applications that meet the new standard to receive a 5-year approval.  
  • Defining desirable materials and colours but providing an opportunity for alternate designs to be considered by Council sitting as committee of the whole.
  • Limiting installations to a maximum of three parking stalls in size and requiring them to be adjacent to the building the business is located in.     
  • Ensuring a clear pedestrian pathway equal to the width of the existing sidewalk shall be maintained at all times.
  • Allowing either seating on the sidewalk or in the parking lane, but not both.
  • Allowing umbrellas and continuing Parks Canada’s exclusion of tents.
  • Eliminating the use of “Jersey Barriers”.

The final version of the standard will be incorporated into the 2023 program. Information will be available on the Municipality’s website and sent directly to past program participants, by the end of January.  

December 6, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

Property Assessment Services
Council voted to enter into a 5-year agreement for Assessment Services with Accurate Assessment Group LTD. for a term from April 1st 2023 to March 31st 2028, and appointed Mr. Troy Birtles of Accurate Assessment Group as Assessor for the Municipality of Jasper.

2023 Municipal Budget
Council unanimously approved the 2023-2025 Operating Budget and 2023-2027 Capital Budget. For more information on the budget process click here or see the news release here

November 1, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

West Yellowhead Regional Waste Management Authority Amending Agreement
Council voted in favor of admitting the Municipal District of Greenview to the West Yellowhead Waste Management Authority, and approved the West Yellowhead Regional Waste Management Authority Amending Agreement as presented.

 Continuation of Municipal Services
At the October 25, 2022 Committee of the Whole meeting, Administration reviewed municipal services provided for specific private properties including snow removal and grounds maintenance. Council approved maintaining current services for the Jasper Anglican Church, Jasper United Church, Tourism Jasper, Jasper Park Chamber of Commerce and Canada Post for the period of November 2022 to October 2023, and directed Administration to enter into one year contracts for those services. Council also directed Administration to bring the matter of the provision of services to private leaseholders at no cost back to the first Committee of the Whole meeting in April 2023.

October 18, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

Outdoor Recreation Facilities Policy
Council voted to rescind Policy D-014: Municipal Field Use Policy and Policy D-015: Outdoor Skating Surface Policy, and approved Policy D-114: Outdoor Recreation Facilities which applies to all outdoor facilities on municipal land – both temporary and permanent (fixed). The Municipality recognizes that outdoor recreation plays an important role in building a well-connected, engaged, and healthy community. By ensuring the safety of all outdoor facilities, the municipality will continue to support residents and visitors in safely participating in outdoor recreational pursuits.

Municipal Cemetery Bylaw
The annual Jasper Municipal Cemetery clean-up is scheduled for October 31, 2022 as per the Municipal Cemetery Bylaw which was put in place in 2006. Director of Operations, John Greathead, was available to answer Council’s questions regarding this year’s clean-up and offered to give Council a tour of the cemetery grounds as soon as could be arranged to help address questions raised by concerned residents.

October 4, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

Paid Parking
Council received a request at the September 27 Committee of the Whole meeting to consider an early ending to the 2022 season of the Paid Parking Program. After discussion at the September 27 Regular meeting, and again today, Council voted to make no changes to the 2022 Paid Parking Program which is scheduled to end on October 31.

September 27, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

Alberta/Japan Twinning Municipalities Association
Council approved hosting the 2023 AJTMA conference and directed administration to include $6000 in the 2023 proposed budget to be presented to Council in November for approval.

Public Transportation Memorandum of Understanding
At the September 13, 2022 Committee meeting Council reviewed a draft Memorandum of Understanding for the provision of public transportation services with Parks Canada. The Agreement Term proposes a five-year period from April 1st, 2023 to March 31st, 2028, with a term renewal of five (5) years permitted, provided the terms and conditions remain mutually satisfactory. Council approved the MOU today as both parties share a goal of facilitating visitor and resident transportation through an affordable, accessible, greener alternative to private vehicle use

Municipal Position on Private Home Accommodations
In an earlier Committee meeting Tuesday, Council discussed municipal administration’s recommendations on principles and comments on Parks Canada’s May proposal for new regulations on Private Home Accommodations. At the regular meeting, Council approved an initial municipal position to be forwarded to Parks Canada that focused on public input, transparency of decision making, and the application of changes to existing PHAs.

September 30, National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
Council directed Administration to raise a flag of recognition at the Jasper Firehall during the week of September 30th - October 6th. Mayor Ireland will be speaking at the public event hosted by Parks Canada at Commemoration Park on Friday, September 30th to recognize the day and honor residential school survivors, their families and Indigenous communities.

September 6, 2022

Due to the power outage staff was unable to record the meeting. Read the agenda package here. Minutes will be published once they are approved at the next Regular Council meeting.

RCMP Strategic Priorities
Sergeant Rick Bidaisee of the Jasper RCMP was present to answer questions and to give Council an update on strategic priorities; staffing at the unit; response to the wildfire and power outage; and the unique challenges to operating in a busy National Park.

Council made two proclamations. The first, requested by CN to mark Rail Safety Week, recognizes the traditional and continuing importance of the railway to Jasper and aims to raise citizens' awareness of the dangers of ignoring safety warnings at level crossings and trespassing on rail property. The second Welcoming Week Proclamation, requested by Jasper’s Local Immigration Partnership and Settlement Services, provided an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the people and values communities hold that make people feel welcome and that they belong, no matter where they are from.

August 16, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

Aquatera Annual Update
CEO Vaughn Bend, COO Lora Brenan, and Treatment Plant Manager for Grande Prairie Sarah Ball presented an annual update to Council regarding Aquatera’s operations in Jasper, industry challenges, performance results, capital projects, and future improvements. 

Gerald Soroka MP for Yellowhead
Council received a visit from Gerald Soroka the Member of Parliament for Yellowhead and presented him with a framed picture of Jasper mountain landscape in appreciation for his service. 

Jasper Employment & Education Centre - Rural Renewal Stream Initiative
Council approved Municipal representation on the proposed stakeholder committee as presented by the Jasper Employment & Education Centre in regards to the Rural Renewal Stream Initiative application process.

July 19, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

Activity Centre Renovation Construction Management Request for Proposals
Council awarded the RFP for the Activity Centre Renovation Construction Manager to Carlson Construction with fees as follows:

  • Pre-Construction Services of $15,000 in addition to the Cost of Construction
  • Construction CM Fee, Staffing and General Requirement to be included in the total cost of construction budget previously approved by council. 

Food Security Working Group
At the June 28, 2022 Committee meeting Council received a presentation from the Jasper Local Food Society covering topics including food security, community gardens, composting, food bank services, volunteer burnout and more. Since that time the Community Development department has been working on a Terms of Reference for a Food Security Working Group. Council approved the draft and appointed Councillor Kathleen Waxer to the Food Security Working Group.

Public Transportation System RFP Award
Council awarded the Public Transportation Feasibility Study to WSP in the amount of $50,650 exclusive of GST with the required municipal contribution being funded through the existing approved operating budget.

Procedure Bylaw #190 – Agenda Structure
The Legislative Committee recommended changes to the structure of meeting agendas. Council approved the suspension of item Section 1.3 in Schedule 2 of the Procedure Bylaw #190 until December 31, 2022 pursuant of section 3.4 of the bylaw to allow Council time to test the recommended structure. 

Request for Transfer of Land Use Planning & Development
Council made a motion to formally request that Land Use Planning and Development approval powers be transferred from Parks Canada to the Municipality of Jasper. Council also authorized the Mayor to formalize the request via correspondence to the appropriate Parks Canada representatives and relevant Federal Ministers.

Over the past year the municipality has been engaged in advocacy at the federal level with both political and administrative officials. As a result of the sustained advocacy, on May 11, 2022 Council met with Parks Canada VP of Operations Andrew Campbell and it was agreed that the parties should begin the process of reviewing the Agreement for the Establishment of Local Government in the Town of Jasper including items such as land rent, the Municipality’s role in land use planning and development and potentially other areas where services may overlap. 

Council’s 2022-2026 Strategic Priorities
Council’s plan sets forward a strategic and holistic approach to advancing the community’s interests. Council formally adopted the 2022-2026 Strategic Priorities today after planning sessions which began in April. Council’s priorities will provide foundational guidance to municipal staff which will inform operational decisions and administrative recommendations as well as the development of the 2023 budget.

July 5, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

Trans Mountain Project Update
Council received a presentation from Kent Taylor and Kate Stebbings of Trans Mountain reviewing construction progress on the Jasper to Mount Robson Reactivation portion of the project.

Community Futures West Yellowhead
Council voted in favor of providing $8720 to support the Community Futures West Yellowhead (CFWY) Triage Business Retention and Expansion Program. The presentation by Nancy Robbins of CFWY and initial request was received at the June 28, 2022 Committee meeting.

Jasper Food Bank
Council approved the request from the Jasper Food Bank to pick up cardboard on-site, and directed Administration to provide this service at no cost. The decision is in accordance with the Relationship with External Groups Policy (F-104) which was recently adopted by council.

Appointments to Commercial Use of Public Space Taskforce
Council appointed Councillors Rico Damota and Scott Wilson to the Commercial Use of Public Space Taskforce. The purpose of the group is to study, consider, and report back to Council with recommendations for sidewalk seating. Recommendations from the taskforce will be presented at a future public Committee of the Whole meeting in the fall. At that time all Council members will have an opportunity to review the matter and inform the desired standard.

Appointments to Emergency Advisory Committee
On June 21, 2022 Council approved the Emergency Management Bylaw (#247), which establishes the bodies, processes and mechanisms that guide and support the development of the Municipal Emergency Plan; sets out elected officials’ roles and responsibilities; and specifies the parameters of the delegation of authority to specific staff members to enact plans and manage community emergencies. The Emergency Advisory Committee (EAC) is one of the bodies established in the bylaw. Today Council appointed Councillors Ralph Melnyk and Kathleen Waxer to the EAC.

June 21, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube or read the full agenda package here.

2021 Audited Financial Statements
Council accepted and approved the Audited Financial Statements of the Municipality of Jasper as presented for the year ended December 31, 2021. The financial statements also require an auditor’s report which was completed by Metrix Group Chartered Professional Accounts.

Assessment Review Board Appointments
Council appointed Trisha Papke as the Designated Clerk for the Regional Assessment Review Board for West Yellowhead for a one-year term starting July 1, 2022, and also appointed Paul Butler as the Designated Chair for the Regional Assessment Review Board for West Yellowhead for a one-year term starting July 1, 2022.

Emergency Services Building Boiler Replacement
Council approved an updated project budget of $190,000 for the replacement of the boiler and domestic hot water system replacement at the Emergency Services Building, to be funded from the Protective Services Restricted Reserves. Council awarded the Emergency Services Boiler Replacement contract to Magnum Mechanical Systems Ltd. in the amount of $177,470.00.

Jasper Community Housing Corporation Governance Review
Administration reviewed the recommendations made by Committee of the Whole at the June 14, 2022 meeting in respect to the JCHC Governance Review and Housing Gap Analysis. Three of the four recommendations have been added to the motion action list with the fourth being addressed today. Council received the JCHC Governance Review for information and acknowledged 687 units as reflective of a reasonable estimate of Jasper’s 2021 housing gap.

Commercial Use of Public Space Taskforce
Council approved the Commercial Use of Public Space Taskforce Terms of Reference which can be found in the agenda package. The task force, once fully formed, will review the conditions which might attach to a discretionary use permit for the commercial use of public space and sidewalk seating. It will develop and recommend to Council, prior to October 1, 2022, an appropriate standard for future commercial use of public space installations.

Legislative Committee Terms of Reference

Council approved the updated Legislative Committee Terms of Reference which included changes to the scope of work, appointment of chair, and frequency of meetings.

June 7, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube.

Taxation Rates Bylaw 2022 - 3rd reading
Council gave third reading to the Taxation Rates Bylaw which authorizes the rates of taxation to be levied against assessable property within the Municipality of Jasper for the 2022 taxation year. 

Commercial Use of Public Space Bylaw - 3rd reading
Council gave third reading to the updated Commercial Use of Public Space Bylaw which is a bylaw to control and regulate the use of streets and public spaces in the Municipality and to restrict and regulate activities on, adjacent, or near to streets and public spaces. 

Emergency Management Bylaw - 3rd reading
The Emergency Management Bylaw provides for the direction and control of the Municipality’s emergency responses. Council gave third reading today and thanked staff for the work involved in preparing the detailed document.

Policy Review
In an ongoing effort to support the A-001 Policy Development and Review Policy Council voted to rescind the following policies which had either been superseded by provincial legislation or made redundant by more current municipal policy development: C-002 Electronic Communications Device Policy, C-003 No Smoking Zones Policy, and D-005 Laptop Policy.

Relationships with External Group Policy
Council also approved the replacement of Policy F-004: Relationship between the Municipality and the Jasper Community Team with Policy F-104: Relationship with External Groups Policy. This policy applies to situations where any of the following conditions exist:
- There is a financial relationship between the municipality and the external group, or
- The municipality supports the efforts of the external group by providing the use of physical municipal assets or by providing labour from municipal staff.

Requests for Support, Letter of Endorsement, and Flag Raisings
Council was happy to receive correspondence and requests for support, flag raisings and more from the Jasper Canada Day Committee, Rotary Club of Jasper, OUT Jasper LGBTQA Society, and the Municipality of Jasper Inclusion Committee. June is both Indigenous History Month and Pride Month. The Rotary Club of Jasper is also organizing a welcome dinner for Ukrainians on June 18th and asked for Council’s Support. Council confirmed their support and proclaimed a welcome to Jasper's newcomers which can be read here.

Council is also looking forward to seeing everyone at the Canada Day Pancake Breakfast which will take place at Commemoration Park this year.

May 17, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube.

Taxation Rates Bylaw 2022 - 1st & 2nd reading
Council gave first and second reading to the taxation rates bylaw which authorizes the rates of taxation to be levied against assessable property within the Municipality of Jasper for the 2022 taxation year. The bylaw will be coming back to the June 7 regular meeting for third reading with the other two bylaws listed below.

Commercial Use of Public Space Bylaw - 2nd reading
Council gave second reading to the updated Commercial Use of Public Space Bylaw. After the first reading at the May 3 regular meeting Council had asked that amendments be added to Schedule A and these changes have been incorporated.

Emergency Management Bylaw - 1st & 2nd reading
The Emergency Management Bylaw provides for the direction and control of the Municipality’s emergency responses. Council gave first and second reading today and thanked staff for the work involved in preparing the detailed document.

Policy Review Priority List
Council approved a Policy Review Priority List which indicates the next policies up for review in an ongoing process to keep policies and processes up to date, relevant, and in line with Policy A-001 the Policy Development and Review Policy.

National Public Works Week Proclamation
Council voted unanimously to proclaim May 15 - 21 National Public Works Week and urged all community members to join them in recognizing our public works employees and to celebrate the substantial contributions they make to protecting our health, safety, and quality of life. Read the proclamation here.

Correspondence - attached to agenda package
Council received three pieces of correspondence from PetroCanada, Parks Canada (regarding the Private Home Accommodation draft policy) and another from Parks Canada regarding the request for amendments to the discretionary use permit application which has been denied.

May 3, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube.

Regional Assessment Review Board Bylaw – 3rd reading
Council gave third reading to Bylaw 245: the Regional Assessment Review Board Bylaw 2022, enabling the Municipality’s participation in a Regional Assessment Review Board with the Town of Hinton, Edson and Improvement District 12.

Traffic Safety Bylaw – 3rd reading
Council gave third reading to Bylaw 244: the Traffic Safety Bylaw which enables the change in speed limits from 50 km/h to 30 km/h in most areas of town, and provides enforcement clauses for the paid parking program. Although the bylaw has been passed, the changes will not take effect until signage is in place on the streets.

Commercial Use of Public Space Bylaw – 1st reading
Council gave first reading to an updated Commercial Use of Public Space Bylaw to update the fees associated with the sidewalk seating and retail extensions program. Council gave first reading and asked that amendments be added to Schedule A before returning for second reading at the next regular council meeting.

Activity Centre Renovation
After discussing costs, funding sources, and project options Council passed the following motion and expressed excitement over the reinvestment in facilities to ensure safety, sustainability, modernize and improve user experience, and plan for future generations of Jasperites.

1. Approve the Activity Centre renovation project scope inclusive of all Required Scope items
at a total cost of $10,160,444, and;

2. Approve the inclusion of the following Council Requested scope items:
- Arena Dressing room expansion to the west and south $3,355,756
- Activity Centre Conversion of the Sauna to additional washrooms $133,238
- Aquatic Centre Complete renovation of all existing change rooms $342,497.

3. Approve an amendment to the Capital Budget as required to reflect the above items as funded.

Garage Suites Feedback
On January 11, 2022 council received information from Parks Canada with respect to proposed standards for Garage Suites. Parks requested that the municipality provide feedback on the concept and the issue was discussed at committee on February 8 and April 26. Today Council voted to accept the Interim Garage Policy in principle and has provided feedback to Parks Canada in regards to the policy’s development.

Communities in Bloom – Proclamation
Council voted unanimously to proclaim 2022 the Year of the Garden in Jasper as municipalities participating in Communities in Bloom across Alberta acknowledge all the benefits that gardens and gardening provide. Read the proclamation here.

Policing Invoice – Shadow Population Modifier
At the April 26, 2022 committee of the whole meeting, Council received correspondence from the Assistant Deputy Minister of Justice and Solicitor General providing notification of the Municipality’s required contribution to the cost of frontline policing under the Government of Alberta’s Police Funding Model (PFM). Council voted today to authorize the Mayor to write to the Minister to request that the shadow population modifier be applied to the Municipality of Jasper.

Council received three pieces of correspondence from local Ailsa Ross, the Jasper Food Bank and Community Futures West Yellowhead.

Ailsa Ross asked Council to consider a public awareness campaign in regards to outdoor domestic cats, birds, and Bylaw 126. Council asked that her request be added to Council Highlights to help reach community members.

April 19, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube.

Annual Assessment Presentation  

Council received highlights of the Municipality’s assessment summary for 2021. 

An assessment is a value placed on your property to determine the fair distribution of property taxes. The assessed value on your notice is based on the previous year's market conditions (not the current market conditions) and the physical condition and characteristics of the home as of the previous December. The full presentation can be found in the April 19, 2022 agenda package. 

Regional Assessment Review Board Bylaw 2022

Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw 245: The Regional Assessment Review Board Bylaw 2022. The Municipality of Jasper historically has been a member of a Regional Assessment Review Board with the Town of Hinton, Edson and Grande Cache. Each community must pass a bylaw to establish this regional board and to become part of it. The Town of Grande Cache has since dissolved, which means their assessment appeals will now be handled through the M.D. of Greenview. An edit included in the bylaw revision is to remove Grande Cache. 

Municipal Employee Housing Policy

On September 14, 2021 Committee directed Administration to bring forward a draft policy to address all aspects of Municipal Staff Housing. Today Council approved the policy and highlights include: 

 - Commitment to fully complying with the Alberta Residential Tenancy Act.

 - Setting rents at the lower of; 15% below the Jasper Market Rate for like properties, or 30% of the employee’s gross monthly income.

 - Commitment to ensuring maximum occupancy of employee housing units.

 - Provisions for full-time municipal employees relocating to Jasper; seasonal or term municipal employees and; working with employers in Jasper to make use of units when they would otherwise be vacant.

National Volunteer Week 2022

In celebration of Jasper’s many volunteers, Council has proclaimed April 24–30, 2022 as National Volunteer Week and urged fellow citizens to recognize the crucial role played by volunteers in our community.

West Yellowhead Regional Waste Management Authority (WYRWMA) Governance and Administrative Plan

The WYRWMA is a long-standing inter-municipal partnership.  It operates a municipal solid waste disposal system on lands located west and adjacent to the Town of Hinton. The Authority membership consists of Yellowhead County, Town of Hinton, Town of Edson and Municipality of Jasper, with two council appointees from each municipality forming the authority board. Both a revised Yellowhead Regional Waste Management Authority Agreement and the new Management Agreement are being proposed to the partner councils at the same time, with the recommendation for approval. Today Jasper Municipal Council approved the West Yellowhead Regional Waste Management Authority and the Management Agreement as presented, and voted to authorize its appointed representatives to raise issues of concern with the board and to accept the majority decision of the board with respect to proposed amendments. 

March 29, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube.

Commercial Use of Public Space
Council received recommendations from Administration, written submissions from the public, and presentations from the public both over Zoom and in person in regards to the commercial use of public space including patio seating. After discussion and deliberation Council passed the following motion:

BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct Administration to apply for a discretionary use permit for commercial use of public space, including the prescribed conditions:

  •  that installations be permitted May 1 - Oct 24, 2022
  •  installations may be located on the sidewalk with the pedestrian extensions in the parking lane
  •  installations may be located in the parking lane with safety measures in place, including the possibility of jersey barriers
  • for the 2022 season installations which had been previously used in 2021 be accepted
  • Council work with other interested parties to establish a working group to consider further conditions which might apply to commercial use of public space in future years

Arena Ice Plant Replacement Contract
Council awarded the Jasper Arena Ice Plant Replacement Contract to ICOM Refrigeration in the amount of $2,484,353.93. The existing Arena Ice Plant, which supports the ice making for both the arena and curling rinks, is at end-of-life and is located next to the main entrance and across from the entrance to the childcare centre. It is anticipated that the project, which was included in the 2022 capital budget, will run from summer 2022 through to construction completion in late 2022.

Paid Parking Tender Award
Council voted unanimously to award the RFP for Mobile Parking Payment Technology Services to HotSpot Parking Inc. for a five year term to April 30, 2027.

March 15, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube.

Traffic Safety Bylaw 1st and 2nd reading
The Traffic Safety Bylaw provides that Council may pass bylaws regulating and controlling traffic within the Municipality. Council voted to approve the changes in Schedule B of the bylaw and agreed changing the speed limit to 30km/hr across town is the best option from public and pedestrian safety, fiscal, operational and visitor experience standpoints. The bylaw will be sent to Parks Canada for certification and come back for a third and final reading at the April 19th Regular Council Meeting.

Internal Fiscal Controls and Reporting Policy
Council approved the revised and updated Internal Fiscal Controls and Reporting Policy (B-109) which had first been adopted by council on September 7, 2010. Internal fiscal controls ensure that municipal money is well-managed, adequately controlled, and spent only as approved. Financial reporting ensures that accurate information is available for decision-making and that the risk of loss, fraud, misappropriation, or theft is minimized. Together fiscal controls and financial reporting support the effective, appropriate, transparent, and economic use of municipal funds. 

Legislative Committee Terms of Reference
The Legislative Committee of Council’s work will be focused on researching innovative best practices from other jurisdictions, reviewing current MOJ practices and providing direction to administration and council for desired changes to bylaws and policies. Council voted to approve the proposed terms of reference for the Committee and determined their work will begin with Procedure Bylaw #190.

2021 Transfer from Operating to Restricted Reserves
Council approved a year end transfer to and from reserves in the amount of $128,851.62. Transfer to and from restricted reserves are established and approved in the annual operating budget process. This request for decision is mandatory to year end audit as it involves the reallocation of funds from the 2021 operating budget prior to closing the fiscal year. 

S-Block, Delayed Invoice
Council approved the payment of invoice 3010817 in the amount of $58,748.84 (before tax) to S-Block capital project; and agreed to fund the project with remaining grant funds available. With this added expense the project will still be under the initial budget by $130,394.23. 

Property Tax Receivable/Write-off Request
Council directed Administration to write off Property Tax receivable for Roll 500000 (Provincial Building) for half of the amount levied in the amount of $25,745.25. In 2021, Roll 500000 was levied $51,490.50 and a payment of $25,745.25 was received leaving an outstanding amount due in the same amount. Administration has deemed this property tax receivable as uncollectible due to notice from the Provincial Government. Mayor Ireland will be writing to the Provincial Government on behalf of Council to express their discontent with this practice.

February 15, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Master Plan 2022-2026
Council approved the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Master Plan 2022-2026 and thanked administration and everyone involved for their work. This plan is the culmination of 18 months of collaborative work between Inclusion Committee members. Adoption by Council of the plan now allows the Municipality of Jasper to ensure that organizational strategic planning and business planning are done through an equity, diversity and inclusion lens and that the organization’s priorities are in line with its vision to “offer accessible services, cultural amenities, lifelong learning opportunities, affordable housing and a safe and supportive living environment for all residents.”  

APPS Transition Study Engagement Invitation
In response to correspondence received from the Provincial government Councillor Melnyk and Councillor Waxer requested and were given approval to attend an upcoming engagement session in Edson on March 31st as part of the Alberta Provincial Police Service Transition Study. More information and engagement sessions are listed in today’s agenda package.

 Paid Parking Resident Exemption Program

At the February 8th Committee of the Whole meeting Council received recommendations and options for a Paid Parking Resident Exemption Program. Today Council approved a program which will use preloaded credits for any resident registered in the system to a maximum of 500 credits (500 hours) per year for the 2022 paid parking period. Council also directed Administration to develop a program to assist individuals with mobility or technology issues separately from the preloaded credit program.

Garage Suites Feedback
On January 11th Council received correspondence from Parks Canada with respect to proposed standards for garage suites. The Municipality was asked to review the draft and provide feedback. Today Council endorsed the concept of Garage Suites subject to their exclusive use as residential accommodation. The future draft policy regarding garage suites will be seen at an upcoming Committee of the Whole meeting.


February 1, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube.

Third readings of Supplementary Tax & Assessment Bylaws 2022
Supplementary property assessments are conducted to establish the value of  any new construction that has been completed or occupied during the current calendar year that would not have been included in the municipality's regular annual assessment process. Supplementary assessments are typical in new home construction, where the dwelling or improvements were still under construction in the current taxation year. 

Third reading of Utility Fees Levy & Collecting Bylaw 2022
The Utility Fees Levy and Collection Bylaw is amended on an annual basis to reflect adjustments in rates or to address technical matters. It allows the Municipality of Jasper to collect fees for the provision of water, sewer, solid waste and recycling services for both residents and businesses. A major change this year includes the implementation of a new Connection, Consumption and Capital rate model. The CCC model is intended to both stabilize utility revenue to cover core costs and to increase the amount of funding available to reinvest in infrastructure improvements for the system. The outcomes of the CCC model will be reviewed after 4 billing cycles. 

Child Care Strategy Development
Council voted unanimously to approve engaging with Rob Buschmann from University of Alberta Community-University Partnership, to develop a Jasper Early Learning and Child Care Strategy. Council thanked administration for their work and expressed gratitude to Childcare Services Manager Lisa Daniel for her role in the endeavor.

Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Dewatering Upgrades
The centrifuge at the Jasper WWTP has been in constant use since this plant was built in 2001 and is in critical need of replacementCouncil voted to direct Administration to award the contract to Andritz for the supply of a centrifuge at a cost of $283,000; and; to enter into contract with Capital H2O for the provision of the polymer system at a cost of $272,500. The work of installing the centrifuge and polymer system will be completed during the fall of 2022.

Elected Official Education Program
In accordance with Policy #B-003: Council Member Development Opportunities Council voted to approve the attendance of Councillor Hall at the upcoming March 14 to 16, 2022 Elected Officials Education Program (EOEP) course in Edmonton.

Keep Alberta RCMP Community Engagement Tour
In response to correspondence received at the last Committee of the Whole meeting from the National Police Federation, Council approved the attendance of any Councillor who wishes to attend a Keep Alberta RCMP information session.

January 18, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube

First and second readings of Supplementary Tax and Assessment Bylaws 2022
Supplementary property assessments are conducted to establish the value of  any new construction that has been completed or occupied during the current calendar year that would not have been included in the municipality's regular annual assessment process. Supplementary assessments are typical in new home construction, where the dwelling or improvements were still under construction in the current taxation year. All bylaws receive three readings.

First and second readings of Utility Fees Levy and Collecting Bylaw 2022
The Utility Fees Levy and Collection Bylaw is amended on an annual basis to reflect adjustments in rates and/or to address technical matters. It allows the Municipality of Jasper to collect fees for the provision of water, sewer, solid waste and recycling services for both residents and businesses. On January 11th Committee provided direction to Administration to incorporate the Connection, Consumption and Capital concept (CCC Rate model) in to the 2022 rates and present the bylaw at today’s meeting.

Jasper Municipal Library
Council voted unanimously to approve the Letter of Understanding between the Municipality and the Library. This document supplements applicable legislation as it applies in the municipal context and supports a mutually beneficial and cooperative relationship between the parties involved, with the goal of providing maximum benefit to ratepayers and library members.

Mountain Bike Skills Park
The Mountain Bike Skills Park Operating Agreement with the Jasper Park Cycling Association was approved by Council today. In 2014 municipal Council provided support “in principle” for creating a bike skills park and since that time JPCA has taken a number of steps toward the bike park’s creation. The agreement approved today is for a 3 year term and the proposed site is a remnant parcel west of parcel GA.

January 4, 2022

Watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube.

Paid Parking
At the December 14, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting Council received the final report on the Paid Parking Pilot Project which made a net positive financial contribution to non-tax municipal revenue. At today’s Regular meeting Council voted to continue paid parking from 9am to 9pm starting on May 1, 2022 and continuing through until October 31, 2022. Council also approved hourly rates, increases in signage, expansion of paid parking areas and permitted residential parking, installation of kiosks, and the addition of off street parking lots to be added into the paid parking inventory.  

Operating Budget 2022-2026

Administration presented Council with an amended version of the proposed 2022-2026 Operating Budget having incorporated the motions made at the December 14, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting. Councillors were given the opportunity to ask clarifying questions. Council voted to approve the 2022-2026 Operating Budget as presented today.