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*Updated August 29, 2024

We deeply empathize with the uncertainty you are all facing, especially regarding housing. Please know that our teams, many of whom are Jasperites themselves, are working around the clock to address our community’s housing needs as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

What is the current priority for housing?

Because of the impacts of the fire, Jasper's housing supply is limited at this time. Many properties have been destroyed, and others require extensive remediation before they can be used for temporary homes. Recognizing that, we are focused on essential workers for accommodation, as their roles are critical to enabling more Jasperites to return to the community as soon as possible. We anticipate having the first round of essential workers in accommodation by the long weekend in September. If you are an essential worker and have not completed an application, please do so here

Essential worker status encompasses individuals who provide critical services necessary for the functioning and safety of our community, including roles in public safety, healthcare, education, critical operations, infrastructure, and essential government services. These individuals ensure the continuity of vital operations, maintain public well-being, and support community resilience.

I am not an essential worker based on the above definition - what happens to me?

The honest truth is that the essential workers above will get the first spots available. As we become aware of other options in Jasper, we will share them with you, although these options look like they might not be available over the next three months. Therefore, it’s best to look at alternative accommodation plans at this time, and we will keep you posted once the interim housing plan becomes finalized. We look forward to welcoming you back with open arms once more housing options become available. 

What about rebuilding homes? 

We understand many of you have questions about the timelines and process for rebuilding your homes. Our partners are working diligently to develop a comprehensive plan for cleaning up destroyed residential properties. The JRCC is working on a process to expedite demolition, remediation, and debris removal work across entire neighbourhoods.

I am a renter - what are my rights?

For renters struggling with housing options, please refer to the Landlord Tenancy Act for guidance on your rights and options. 

We will continue to work hard until all Jasperites are back home. To those who are not able to come back yet, please know that you remain in our hearts, and we are doing everything we can to reunite our community as quickly as possible.