Block Party Details <form-template> <fields> <field type="header" subtype="h1" label="Block Party Details Form" class="header"></field> <field type="header" subtype="h2" label="Each one of us has a role in making our neighbourhood a connected community. A neighbourhood block party is a great way for folks to meet and have fun while getting to know other families in their area." class="header"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="So your neighbourhood wants you to host a block party! Fill in the following details to apply. This information will get sent directly to us. " class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="blockquote" label="Please allow up to two weeks for your application to be processed." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="Terms and Conditions: Applicant of Block Party (herein after referred to as the 'Event Co-ordinator') must act as the lead and main point of contact for the event. The event cannot feature or promote a business. The intent is that it is an individual coordinating an event for neighbours. Events can be held from 10:00AM to 12AM (midnight) on the specified date of the event. The Event Co-ordinator is responsible for barricades, signage, permits and must remain until the conclusion of the event. If barricades are needed, the Event Co-ordinator must make arrangements with Operations/Bylaw at least 5 business days in advance of the event. Event Co-ordinator is responsible for clean-up of the area and pickup and returning barricades. If alcohol is consumed at the Block Party, the Event Co-ordinator must adhere to provincial liquor regulations ( The intent of the initiative is to meet new neighbours and/or get to know neighbours better. Event Co-ordinator will be asked to report on the # of new neighbours invited to the block party, the number of new neighbours that attended and the number of neighbours participants got to know better. " class="paragraph"></field> <field type="checkbox" required="true" label="I have read and understand the terms and conditions above" class="checkbox" name="checkbox-1692807899651"></field> <field type="header" subtype="h2" label="Event Co-ordinator (Applicant) Information" class="header"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Event Co-ordinator Full Name" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1690233132855"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Phone Number" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1690233152245"></field> <field type="text" subtype="email" label="Email Address" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1690233165991"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Street Address" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1690233181267"></field> <field type="header" subtype="h2" label="Event Information" class="header"></field> <field type="date" required="true" label="When will you host the event?" description="Wednesday, September 13th" class="form-control calendar" name="date-1692310761631"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" label="How many neighbours (households) do you plan on inviting?" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1694108201977"></field> <field type="textarea" label="How many new neighbours do you plan on inviting (this could also include neighbours who you don't know well or who don't typically engage or socialize in the neighbourhood). " class="form-control text-area" name="textarea-1694108224175"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Event Start and End Time" description="10:00am - 1:00pm" placeholder="10:00am - 1:00pm" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1690233300421"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Location and Area Type" description="Where will you host the event? Is it a dead-end road? Parking lot? Cul de sac?" placeholder="Aspen Gardens parking lot" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1690233353159"></field> <field type="file" required="true" label="Resident Approval" description="Please attach your resident approval sheet" class="form-control file-input" name="file-1690233426579" multiple="true"></field> <field type="textarea" label="Additional Information" description="Is there anything else you want to tell us abouyt your event?" class="form-control text-area" name="textarea-1690233461215"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="output" label="The personal information on this form is being collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) and will be used for the administration of the Town's Services. If you have any questions regarding the collection and use of your personal information, please contact Kim at" class="paragraph"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" label="Text Field" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1694108199481"></field> </fields> </form-template> Submit Submitting...